25-03-12 – News concerning Purchase order

Now you can add articles for purchase directly to the correct supplier

When you click on the shopping cart on an order, a popup opens – Add to Purchase Order.

In the popup you can now see and choose from the suppliers you have registered for the article. A small black star shows which supplier you have specified as the main supplier.

Once you have chosen one supplier, the others are “grayed out”.

Then click on PURCHASE ORDERS (bottom left of the popup). A menu with your existing purchase orders (not sent) will appear.

Choose which order the articles should be added to or create a new one.

Image 4. If you add articles from different orders, you will see under FROM which orders they are on.

Which order should the article be for?

When you add articles from different orders to a purchase order, each article line will indicate which order the article was added from. You can click on the link to go directly to the order.