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  3. Upload documents and images to folders

Upload documents and images to folders

If you have many pictures and documents to be added to a registry entry, it may be a good idea to create folders.

You can find the symbol for creating a folder at the bottom of a register entry for customer, facility, service object. If the symbol is not present, the function does not have the option of folders – yet.

To create a folder:

  1. Click on the symbol
  2. Add a name on the folder
  3. Click Create
Create folder

Adding files in the folder:

  1. Click on the folder
  2. Drag files from your computer to the folder
  3. Drop the file in the box
  4. Close the folder by clicking on the “house” symbol.

Upload folder:

  1. Click on Select folder
  2. Choose the folder you want to upload
  3. Agree to the folder being uploaded

Max size of the folder is 100Mb.

Change name on file

  1. Click on the pen symbol to the right of the file you want to change
  2. Enter a new name
  3. Choose Save
Edit filename
Here you can change the name of the file and choose whether it should be shown to the customer. Mobile view.

Choose whether or not to display the file to customer users.

When you upload the file, you can choose whether it should be shown to the customer. By default, it is unchecked.

Click on the pencil to the right of the file. By default, the file is not displayed to customer users.

Don’t see the symbol?

To upload files, delete uploaded files and choose whether to show or hide the file from the customer, you must have the user permission for the respective registry to “Upload files” and “Delete/modify uploaded files”.*

* Here’s how to add the permission: (Requires admin permission)

  1. Go to Group Settings.
  2. Click on the user who should have the permission.
  3. Select Edit permission.
  4. Scroll down to the heading CUSTOMER.
  5. Select “Remove/change uploaded files” / Upload files
  6. Save
Updated on 25 October 2024
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