In the Time Report, you see and add your time worked. Time report can be found under the Function menu.
The system itself can report time from orders. If this has been set for your group you, basically, do not need to add anything to the time report.
The time report retrieves times from orders, if the item (work or travel time items – eg working time, travel time, fixed service cost…) in the Article Register is registered as Transport to time report.
If you have added work time to a service order, that time is only retrieved when you create the service protocol, i.e. click Perform service. On the started protocol, you check and adjust the number of hours and date.
Changes can be made by clicking on the day you want to change the time for. If you marked the box Completed changes kan only be made by an admin unless your group have the Time report setting Free marks as Completed.
Example of time report with explanations

- At the top of a time report, you see the working hours you normally work. The time is set in your User Settings with an admin account. The time can be changed here if necessary.
If you didn’t work mark the box NOT WORKING. - The system automatically retrieves your working time from orders. What may need to be done is to select the type of working time, the right field in the image above.
- “Childcare” is retrieved from the Planner/Calendar. You click on a day in the Planner and select Other and a list of types of leave is displayed – holiday, full time etc. The information is automatically moved into your time report. It is also possible to add this type of information directly here in your time report. Place the cursor in the right field and the time report types you have chosen to use will be displayed.
- It is also possible to write free text – like here “support” or choose from time report types that have been entered for your particular company. Entering new or editing the types requires a user permission.
- If you have chosen to use Additions, it is shown here. The addition field can be used when you want to enter something other than hours, for example an outlay or when you receive a fixed sum for contingency.
- Here you see the sum of your reported hours. The number on the right is your working hours according to the schedule.
- When you are done with reporting, click on Completed so your payroll manager knows you are done. There are two different settings for Completed. See more in section “Free marks as competed or not?”
- Don’t forget to save!
You can see that there are unsaved times in two different ways:
Partly because the box around the time is grey. If the changes have been saved, the frame around the box is blue. See example in picture 3.
Partly when you hover over a day and the text Contains unsaved changes.
To enter or edit working hours manually, follow these steps:
- Click on the day
- Click on + Add row
- Fill in:
- a description of the work. Choose from suggestions or write in clear text.
- number of hours and time report type. Normal is default. Click in the field and a list with more choices will appear.
- time the work has been performed
- any comments
- Repeat 1 – 4 until ready for the day
If you have the Addition field activated, you also fill it in, if necessary. This field is used to add other than hours, e.g. outlays. The field is linked to specific time codes in your administrative system. The connection is made with your admin account. Read more under Information for administrators.
When ready for the day, click on Completed. After clicking Completed only a admin can edit the report of the day.
BUT – there are two different Time report module settings that can be made for clear Completed – Free marks as completed or not. If you do not have “free marks”, a time report cannot be marked as completes if the time entered does not correspond to the specified working hours. See more under See Information for Administrators.
The time report can be printed (Print), exported (Export) to Excel or the accounting system Visma for those who use that system. Keep in mind that the time reports must be saved and attested to be included in the export.
If there is unsaved time on an order, it is added to the time report when loading.

Description of the colors
- Blue frame in open day – not saved
- Green frame, saved, worked time corresponds to entered working time
- Orange frame – the times do not match the entered working hours, overtime entered
- Red frame – the times do not match the working hours, too few hours reported
- Gold – all your working hours can be invoiced to your customers. Great job!
Free clear marking or not?
There are two different settings that can be made for clear marking – free clear marking or not. This is done by logging in with the admin account. See more under Information for administrators.
The default setting is that once you have marked as done, you cannot change your time report anymore.
If you have a free clear mark, you can uncheck the clear mark and change the times.
It is possible to mark a time report clear even if the time entered does not correspond to the specified working hours.
Have you saved and signed an order and discover that you accidentally entered something wrong?
If you have the permission to clear signatures, you start by entering the order and clicking on Clear signatures.
If you do not have that permission, ask an administrator with permission to clear signatures for help to change.
When the signatures are cleared, you can click on Edit and change working hours. Save. The time report is updated automatically if the time report is not saved yet (blue frame). If the time report is saved (red or green frame), you need to change the hours in your time report yourself.
Entered time on the wrong day?
Have you accidentally entered the wrong day for your working hours on an order, the order is signed, set to Ready for invoicing and the time report marked Done? Read how to fix it here.
If the hours taken from work orders differ by more than 1 hour from your working time, a comment (Time from order: Xh) and the text “Allocated hours do not correspond to the specified working time” are displayed.
Red information text does not have to mean that something is wrong, but is a signal that times do not match between the order, time report and the user’s working hours. Either you change the time report or you save. The day can not be marked Completed, but the time report can always be certified.
In the example below the system retrieves 6h on a work order but for some reason only 4 hours is added.

If you have the Time report setting Free marks as Completed, the information text about the difference in time is black instead and the day can be cleared even if the times do not match. (Admin-setting)
A day marked Completed is marked with a green tick in the right corner.

To change the colors within the frames and description suggestions, user permission are needed. See more under Information for administrators.
Warning when not reported time
An admin can set a number of days you are allowed to wait before filling in your Time Report. First you get a warning that you have to report time and if you don’t do it after a set number of days, you can’t work before you can move on. Saturday and Sunday do not count. Holidays count.
The time from your time report is stored locally on your device. This means that you can be locked out if you change devices or if an admin records your time.

For supervisors
Click Attest to approve the time report.
If the time report is saved / attested, that line will not be retrieved again. This means that it is possible to change the time on an order without changing the time report. If you regret a certification, click on the day. A box with a signature appears. Click Clear Signature. This requires the user right – Clear signatures.
It also means that if a time is changed on an order that is to be included in the time report, you need to update the time in the time report. To do this, delete the changed order and click save. Then the system automatically retrieves the new times from the current order.
To delete a Completed mark, click the Completed mark box and then click save. Now it is possible to change the time report.
Via a admin account, you can set that clear Completed can be done even if the time entered does not correspond to the reported time.
Do you want to change the time report or report for another user?
This requires you to have the user permission to View All and Edit All. The permission is set with your admin account. See Information for administrators below.
How to edit time report:
- Click on the name at the top of the time report. A menu with all the people in the group unfolds.
- Click on the person for whom you want to view or edit time report.

Export of list
Click on Export at the bottom of the Time report.
To see the Export button, you need to have the permission for Time report – Export.
Select a type of export.
NOTE! The time reports must be saved and attested to be included in the export.

If you choose Excel
ATTENTION! This is only an example of columns. Which columns are displayed depends on what was entered in your time reports and which time report types you use, but the order is always the same.
The columns show:
A: technician’s name
B: number of possible hours calculated according to the working hours set in the user settings.
C – K : shows hours entered on different time report types.
These lines vary in number and content depending on which time report types you use and if there is information to display. For example, if no “sick leave” has been specified, the table for “Sick” is not included in the list.
L: Summation of all items that are under the columns before, in the example C – K, i.e. all time that is not reported on orders.
M: Summation of time spent on orders.
N: Number of orders that a technician spent time on.
O: Average time per order (working time for each order).
P: Number of jobs. For example, if a technician has been to the same place for the same order twice, it counts as 2 jobs.
Q: Average per job, as above.
If you use the Time report setting – Use statistics split, you can also get occupancy/technicians. Then a further step is required. The working time to be counted needs to be set as “valid” under Edit suggestion descriptions.
All time types that are worked time are marked by clicking in the Valid box. Such as holidays, parental leave etc. should not be marked.