Updates 2023-09-09
Bem vindos todos os falantes de Português do Brasil!
Agora serviceprotocol.com também está disponível em Português do Brasil. Clique no seu nome de usuário para selecionar seu idioma.
Serviceprotocol.com is now available in these languages: Australian, Deutsch, Dutch, English, Español, Italiano, Norsk, Português do Brasil and Swedish.
Click on your user name to change language. Read more about your account settings.
Download contacts
If you want a list of all contacts with contact details, click on this symbol. A csv file is created and downloaded to your computer.
Keep in mind that you must be logged in as an admin to view the Contact Register.
Sales order
- New setting available: Auto fill delivered amount when editing order
With this setting, the field delivered (DEL.AMOUNT) is automatically filled in with the quantity ordered when you open the order, i.e. click on Edit.
Log in as admin to choose the setting under Group settings – Sales order settings - Have you made a partial delivery? Log in as admin, click on Edit and fill in the number in the delivery in the field DEL. AMOUNT. Don’t forget to save the change.
This also updates the information on the article in the article register. - New filter option: Ready for invoicing and Not ready for invoicing.
Article register
In the information about Purchase orders on an article, you see the status of the purchase order and quantity delivered.
In the list view, you can quickly remove an article by clicking the gear wheel on the far right after the article. If the item is in your inventory, you will receive a message that it cannot be removed.
Added ordered amount in the list view. Select under Category – Ord.amount.
In the list of articles in a delivery, you now see on which order the article is reserved.
Merge service protocols
When you complete a service order in parts, each part gets its own number. If you have, for example, service order no. 321, each partially performed service receives an additional number 321-1, 321-2, etc. If you want to merge the protocols into one, do this:
- Select the order
- Scroll down and click on Merge service protocol
- Sign the service protocol and next service will be generated
Conditions: All partial services must be completed and signed for you to be able to merge into one protocol.
Don’t see the Partial Perform button? Then you do not have that user permission/have chosen not to use that function.