24-08-20 – tags added to orders, fault report development …

Tags added to orders

Tags you put on the customer, facility and/or service object are now added to orders.

You also see them in the detail list, but so far only on orders that are created or changed starting at 2024-08-20.

The function “Add point of contact” is the same as in a Contact order.
Notes on Fault reports

You can use notes on an fault report to follow up and document what was done, which contacts were made, for example. For each note you make, you can specify the time spent. This can be good for later being able to follow up the time consumption for a customer and order.

When you have saved the fault report and want to create a new note, click on + Add point of contact.

Add a service template to Fault reports

You set which service template should be on the fault report under Module settings – Report settings. The same service template is used in Function – Report and only one (1) template can be set. Admin permission is required to set this.

How to create a  service template.