• Export register

    There are two ways to download registers or a list, via Group Settings and via certain orders and registers. Download orders or lists If you see this symbol, you can download a list. You can filter the list by performing a search, for example on a customer name. Export via…

  • Article group

    Create article groups You create article groups by entering a name in the Article group field on an article. Being able to add new article groups is a user right. If you do not have that right, you can only choose between already existing article groups. Article group is a…

  • Remove user

    When an employee leaves, you inactivate their username. Inactivate means that the user remains in the system but you do not pay a license for the user. Do this: If the user has admin permission that permission has to be removed before you can inactivate the user. You need to…

  • News 2023-11-20

    Service object New collection function. Be able to specify and change the number of service orders to be generated on several service objects at the same time after service has been performed.If you have many service objects, it is advisable to use the search function and enter a filter before…

  • Serviceprotocol as app

    Serviceprotocol.com is a web-based service that can be used on your mobile phone or tablet as well as on your desktop computer or laptop. No app installation or download requiredc But why not create a shortcut among your apps to quickly find Serviceprotocol.com and that way you don’t have to…

  • Sub articles

    When you want to create “packages” of articles, you can use the sub-articles function. If an article consists of one or more sub-articles, the sub-articles are displayed when you add the article to an order. Prices of the sub-articles are not shown on the order. The sub-articles are not displayed…

  • News 2023-11-03

    Use your own mail server, select language your customers want protocol and emails in, new custom fields in Quotation and Sales Order and more.

  • News 2023-10-24

    How to use sub articles and how images added to service points is displayed on protocol prints.

  • Updates 2023-09-09

    Bem vindos todos os falantes de Português do Brasil! Agora serviceprotocol.com também está disponível em Português do Brasil. Clique no seu nome de usuário para selecionar seu idioma. Serviceprotocol.com is now available in these languages: Australian, Deutsch, Dutch, English, Español, Italiano, Norsk, Português do Brasil and Swedish. Click on your…