I have a new customer who has the same service object as an existing customer. Can I copy a service object?
Yes, you can copy a service object. Use the function clone. Here are the instructions for how you clone.
BUT, the best way would probably be to add the models in Models. That way you can quickly get information and settings to new service objects. If you change anything in the model you also get updates on all objects which are linked to the model.
Can I modify a runtime reading on a service object even though the protocol is finalized?

This is how to:
- Go to the Service object.
- Click on Add.
- Click on Add reading.
- A box opens where you add the same date as the incorrect reading and add the right amount of hours.
- Click Save.
The service will now be updated with the new runtime.
The “incorrect” runtime remains. If you want to remove it, click on Edit. Scroll down to the readings and click on the red cross after the incorrect reading. See image 2.
I can’t change parts on the object.
Parts on a service object are added to and retrieved from the service interval. To change the parts, open the service interval-tab and change there.
When you’ve saved you get the question if you want to update not started orders with the new parts.
On already started orders you can not change the parts from the interval.
The articles will also be shown on the service object record under Parts.
Can you have a service interval with both hours and days and whichever occurs first decides when a service is supposed to be done?

That works fine. However, you can only specify 1 day interval but multiple hour intervals. E.g. 2000h, 6000h and 365 days. The system will choose whichever occurs first. The day interval is entered in the first interval, for the other time intervals the day interval field is left blank.
Example: if the machine has run for 500h before 365 days have passed, the runtime is what the system detects first.
I have created a new service object directly at an order. How do I add a custom info template?
When you add an object on a work order there are fields for additional information. Place the cursor there, and all custom info templates created in your group will be shown.
If you want to add a template you click on the pen after the service object. Place the cursor in the field Additional information and your templates will be listed. This option can only be found on work orders.
If you want to add a custom info template on a service object on a service order, then you click on the object, make your choice of template and click on save. You will then get a question if the change should update service orders or not. Click Yes.