Updates 23-08-18

User permissions

To speed up settings of user rights, you can now click on FULL to mark all rights in a function. If you then choose to click out of one or more rights, FULL is also unchecked.


Now you can choose to print a price proposal (Print price proposal) or quote (Print). Requires user permission.

Time report

Now you also see public holidays in the Time Report. The days are also marked in green.

Contact order

Time taken from contact orders is automatically added to your time report.
Click +Add Point of Contact, fill in your notes and time spent, click Add. Done!


To activate Automatic generation of agreements, the customer’s organization number and billing email are required.

Change in the admin account function

You, who are an admin, will only need one account in the future. Whoever creates a new group automatically becomes the admin of that group and can give the users in that group admin permission, but not remove themselves as admin.

Admin accounts count as one user and are billed. It will not mean any change in price for the vast majority of you, as you currently have an admin and a user account.