New email settings – Your logo and template for booking confirmations

Now we have fixed so that you can include your logo in e-mails instead of the Serviceprotocol-logo. The logo added is the logo you uploaded under Group settings.

To change to your logo do this:

  • Log in as admin.
  • Click on Email settings.
  • Mark “Show group logo”
  • Save.

Booking confirmation template

In addition to the logo, you can create a booking confirmation according to your own wishes regarding the content and layout of the information. You can find the field for the booking confirmation template under Group settings – Email settings.

Use these tags to get information into the template:

{company} = Your company.

{futureBookings} = Name, date and time for future bookings

{orderRef} = Order number

{nextBooking} = Name, date and time for next booking

{nextBookingName} = Name on the technician (user) on next booking

{nextBookingDate} = Date for the next booking

{nextBookingTime} -=Time intervals for next booking

{facilityOrCustomer} = Customer or facility (if it exists)



Hi, {facilityOrCustomer}

Our field service technician {nextBookingName} will execute the {orderRef} on {nextBookingDate}, between {nextBookingTime}

Regards {company}


Hi, AD Building Company

Our field service technician John will execute the Order no: WO452 on Friday 06 October, between 07:00 – 08:00

Regards My company