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  3. Import a storage / inventory

Import a storage / inventory

You import your existing storage by importing an inventory.

  1. Log in with your admin account.
  2. Click on Upload register.
  3. Save the template: “stocktaking-import-serviceprotocol.xlsx “
  4. Import the inventory into that file.
  5. Log in again as admin and click Upload register.
  6. Upload the file under Upload stocktaking:.

There are two ways to import an inventory depending on how your previous inventory was done.

  • With amount: then the system takes the difference between the number you import and what is in the system.
  • With the difference: then the system enters a difference and adjusts the number in the system with the difference you specified.

The date of the inventory is automatically set to today’s date if the date is not included in the import file. Prices and amount will be 0 if this information is not included in the import file.

Note that it is only when you sign the inventory that the stock balance is updated.

A tip is to import, for example, one storage location at a time. Then it doesn't take that long for the upload to finish and you can see more easily if something goes wrong.

Updated on 6 March 2024
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