As a customer user you have the opportunity to, with your own account, log in to Serviceprotocol and keep track of your service orders, work orders, service objects and facilities. You can also send fault reports if you have the permission to do so.
The permissions for your account is decided by the company which created the account.
Note: If there is any of the information described below which you can’t but wish to see, contact the company which created the account for you.
Chapter 1: Sign in and search
When a company has added you as a customer user, you will receive an email with your login credentials. If you want to change the assigned password, you can do so after logging in.
Log in:
- Go to
- You can also go directly to

- Enter your email under Username
- Enter the password you received in the email. If you have forgotten the password, click on Forgotten password and follow the directions.
- Click on Sign in
Change password:
- Click on your user name

- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Change Password

- Follow the instructions
You can change certain account settings yourself. If you have the permission to receive emails or SMS notifications when your fault report results in a work order, you need to enable this in your settings.

If you select Send SMS on notifications, you need to enter your mobile number.
Search You can search for facilities, service objects and orders by clicking the respective title and using the search field. When searching, you can also use advanced filters by clicking on the blue box with a checkmark.

Chapter 2: The customer page
The first thing you see when you sign in is your customer page. Here you get an overview of all your orders, objects, facilities, etc.
If you have the necessary permissions, you can update your address and contact information. To do this, click on Edit at the bottom of the customer page. Don’t forget to save your changes.

Under Service orders and Work orders you can click on the orders to see and read more about them. All blue text consists of links, for example, to orders.

Once inside an order, you can see what work has been performed, whether any materials have been used, and who carried out the work.
If you open an order, you can print the order or the protocol. Click on Print at the bottom of the page. For a service order, you first need to click on Show protocol.

Chapter 3: Service object
On the customer page you can see your objects. To see more information, click the name of the object you wish to read more about.

At the top you can see information about the object, such as its name, serial number, previous service, next service etc. If the object is runtime-based, a counter is displayed.

Below, we go through the information you can view regarding the service object
If the facility where the object is located is marked on the map, you will see its position with a blue pin. The object is displayed with a red pin.

Here you can see the articles used for servicing this specific object, along with the amount of each article.

Service orders This displays previous services that have been performed. You can click on the blue numbers on the left to view the service report for a specific order. You can also see the status of a service, such as Invoiced.

Work orders
Here, the work orders linked to the object are shown. Click on the blue numbers on the left to view a specific work order and read more.

Fault report
If you’ve created one or more fault reports on the object, you will see them here. You can also create a new fault report by clicking the plus sign.

Sales orders
Here you can see your sales orders.

If the object has documents tied to it you can see them here.

Service intervals
The object’s intervals are shown here. An object can have more than one interval.

Chapter 4: Fault report
There are several ways to create a fault report.
- Alternative 1:
- Click on Make fault report on the bottom of the customer page.

- Enter a person of contact or select one from the dropdown list (click in the box to view the list)
- Select service object
- Add a description of the issue
- Save
Alternative 2: Via the main menu, click on Perform then Fault Report and use the plus sign to create a new one.

Alternative 3: Click on the plus sign on the far right of Fault Report on your customer page.