Here are described different ways to see if a protocol or booking confirmation has been sent.
On orders and protocols
In the header of the order you will see the latest sent – when, by whom and to whom. Click on the small arrow and a list of all sent emails will be displayed.

If changes have been made to the order after the protocol was sent, the last one sent is marked in red.

As a category in the list view on protocols
In Service – Service Protocol, select the list view and then click the plus symbol to expand the list with the category (headings) to choose from. Select Email sent. You now have a table with the heading Email sent. The information that is displayed is when, from whom and to whom.
In the Message log
You find the Message log at the bottom of the page Manage Account. Read more about the message log
Booking confirmation
When you save a booking, you can click the Send booking confirmation link. If the booking is changed after the confirmation has been sent, it will be marked in red.