• Service order

    Read also: A service order is a planned maintenance and is the basis for creating a service protocol. On the service order, comments from the previous service automatically appear and what material should be used for the type of service it is time for. If you have links to a…

  • Creating a Service protocol

    Perform a service and a service protocol is created automatically. Click the Service order in the To-Do list that you want to manage. Go to the bottom of the page. By clicking Perform service or, if service has started, Continue, you will be taken directly to a service protocol and can start performing service and fill in…

  • Articles

    Articles that are added to the article register appear as suggestions in various views in the system when articles are to be added, such as e.g. in a work order, when articles have been used. Read more about adding article on order. On the article register, you can see in…

  • Timer

    With the timer function, you can easily register and keep track of travel time, working time, overtime and kilometers for different orders. Start the clock and let it handle the calculation! As soon as you start a timer, it is shown by a red exclamation point together with the timer…

  • Planner – Calendar and Resource

    In the Planner you see your assigned orders or all currently booked orders, depending on what permissions you have in the system. You can also create and book Work Orders directly in the Planner. As a supervisor, you can in the Planner assign resources to booked orders and plan the…

  • Agreement

    Under the Service menu you will find Agreements. Here you create your agreements, generate sales orders, set whether invoices are to be auto-generated, upload documents linked to the agreement etc. Agreements can be used if you want to give a customer a percentage discount or a fixed price on an…

  • Symbols and colors

    The system has a number of symbols and colors as standard to make it easier for you. If you do not see one or more of these symbols, you do not have rights to that part of the system. Colors Dark blue indicates where you are in the Menu. So…

  • Recurring Work order

    Do you have things that need to be done often and regularly? Then it may be easiest to create a Recurring work order. Do this: Alternative 1 Select a existing work order or create a new one. Click on Set as recurring at the bottom of the page. Add time interval and (optional)…

  • Work order

    A work order is a job that should be performed, but does not count as a recurring service. Used in e.g. repairs and installations. There are a variety of settings for customizing work orders according to your business needs. Therefore, the documentation here is only one version of what a…