• 240217. Add multiple images, handle bookings, choose files to add protocols …

    Several images at service points Now you can also add multiple images to a single service point. Book a resource faster Handle booking of resources without opening the order. You can also handle already made bookings by clicking Handle bookings. Send e-mail We’ve made the list of email addresses listed…

  • Create own Booking types

    Do you want to use your own types for bookings in the Planner? This function is for you who want to be able to separate different types of work and orders in the Planner. By assigning a color to each type, you can quickly identify the type of work a…

  • Service collision time span

    Service object located at the same facility can be merged into one (1) service order using the service collision time span. The time span specifies how many days may vary between service orders for them to be merged into one. This is to avoid going to the same facility several…

  • News 2024-02-02

    A small change in color for users. Add quotes in more places and new Fortnox settings.

  • Supplier

    In the supplier register, you add and manage the list of your suppliers. Add supplier to the Supplier Register You can either upload an xls file with details of suppliers or add them manually in Register – Suppliers. Upload records Example file for uploading suppliers can be found under Group…

  • News 2023-12-29

    Add image to a service component description, add logo to subgroups, change the order of your custom fields and set “comment required” on self-controls.

  • Templates .docx

    What is a print-out template? With your own template created as a .docx, you can style your prints exactly as you want them. Print templates are uploaded under Group Settings under the respective Module Settings. To upload .docx, admin permissions are required. Currently, you can upload templates for these functions:…

  • News 2023-12-15

    Show large images New Service Protocol Setting – Print settings – Show Large Images. Then the pictures will fill the entire page of the service protocol.Requires that you have selected Show images in the “Show images” setting. Pictures on a work order printout always fill a whole page. Change Assigned…

  • News 23-12-07

    Lots of news regarding the sending of e-mails this time! Sending a message on a work order fetches more contacts, in purchase orders e-mail addresses are fetched according to a new order.
    On service orders, you will see attachments and more news…