Set tags

Use tags to quickly see, find and sort customers, facilities, service objects, articles or orders.

Choose which tags you want to use. It is recommended that you use a standard within your work area and create a list for your specific needs before you start adding tags to the system.

Step 1 – Add tags

How to:

  1. Sign in with a admin account.
  2. Under module settings click on Tag settings.
  3. Fill in the fields. For each tag, you can choose to enter a comment and choose a color.
  4. Click on the gear wheel and select in which category or categories the tag can be used (customers, facilities, service objects, articles or all.)
  5. Save

The tags can be sorted by grabbing and dragging the three dots with the mouse pointer.

Choose where the tag can be used.
Choose color for the tag.

Step 2 – Set tags

Under the detail view for customers, facilities, service objects, articles or orders you find the field Tags. Click Edit to enter or change tags. All tags entered for the current registry are displayed in a dropdown list. Select the tag(s) you want. The tag is automatically saved on the record.

Click on the red cross to close.

Step 3 – Show the category Tags

Tags are shown on a record when you have selected the list view.

If you also want to see the tags in the detailed list view, do this:

Click on the right symbol for selecting the detailed list view
  1. Click on the right symbol above the list for selecting the detailed list view.
  2. Click the plus-symbol.
  3. Click on Select a Category.
  4. Select Tags.

Tags can be moved by dragging the header to where you want it. Click on the heading to sort by the tags.

NOTE: This possibility is not yet implemented on order list view.

View only specified tags

Click on the Filter-symbol and select under “TAGS” which tags you want to display in the list.

To combine tags also select Match combination.

Updated on 15 April 2024
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