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Settings concerning Storage

Info to administrators

Under Module Settings/Inventory Settings you will find settings for the Inventory module.

  • Enabled Create storage items when an article is added to an order. Articles added to an order or quote will also be added as stock items in your Default storage. If you have a small inventory that you want to grow, “Create Inventory…” is an easy way to update your inventory.
  • Always create storage items in main storage Created storage items will always be added to your main storage.
  • Show print column on deliveries. Adds a PRINT AMOUNT column on deliveries where you specify how many copies of labels to be printed.
  • Reservation offset (days). Set number of days for the system to check for reserved articles on Service orders and Work orders. The system updates once a day. If you change the number of days the new setting will apply after the update.
Image 1: When you have selected “Show print column on deliveries”, you will get a “PRINT AMOUNT” field to enter how many labels you want to print.

Permissions for Storage concerning users

In order for you to be able to see and use the inventory function, an administrator must grant you that permissions.

The permissions are: View, Create, Edit, Delete, Use other storages than default, Set Main Storage, Set Default Storage, Assign Default Storage, Create Delivery, Create In/Out delivery, Edit Delivery, Delete Delivery, Sign Delivery, Create Stocktaking, Edit Stocktaking, Delete Stocktaking, Perform Stocktaking, Show pending stocktaking articles.

Create in/out delivery gives permission to make deliveries to and from storages. Create delivery gives the permission to make deliveries between storages. If you do not have the permission to use other storages other than default storage you can only move between the main storage and your default storage.

Select default storage

  1. Click on Storage
  2. Click on the storage you want to use as default storage
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Use as default storage.

If you want to change the default storage, open that storage and click on Use as default storage.

If you want to specify the standard storage for an employee, click on Assign. This requires the permission to Assign Default Storage.

Updated on 11 March 2025
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