When you sign in to the system, you start at the Perform – To Do menu. Here you see orders that have not yet been performed or need to be handled.
What you see depends on your user rights in the system. Maybe you see only the orders you have been assigned by the administrator, orders for your work group or all orders.
You also see what kind of order (SO = service orders, AO = work orders, etc.), order number, date and if they are booked or planned, also the status of SO and a description for AO so you quickly see what the order is about. If the date field is grayed out, the order is not planned or booked.

Here you see an example: a Work Order (wrench/screwdriver symbol) where 1 employee (the number in the blue ring) is booked on Oct. 30 starting at 08:30. There are still no comments for the order – so no number at the speech bubble.
Read more about what the symbols and colors mean.
By clicking on an order, you can view and change the order, assign the order to another employee, carry out the assignment etc.
What the symbols mean and do

Filter your search. Choose which orders you want to see. If you want to save your search filter, click on the save symbol at the bottom right of the filter bar. Below the search box, you will see which filters you have selected and how many orders your search has resulted in.
If you want to use the same filter multiple times, you can choose to Save settings, at the bottom of the box.
You can also choose to save the filter as Favorite. Read more about Save as favorite.

See addresses for the orders on a map.
The map shows colors by status, including color from “custom status”. When you change your search/filter, the map automatically zooms in/out.
Hover over the symbol and you will see information about the order. Click to go to the order.

Export orders / download a list of orders.

Create a pick or order list. You can filter the selection to the list.
If you want to produce a pick list of specific orders, search for these by entering the order number with; (semicolon) without spaces, example: 78;110;245.
By clicking on the Merged pick list, items are summed to facilitate ordering. Go to the bottom of the list created to print it. Note that for work orders, a list of Articles to order is created.

Add new order.

Default you see the orders with a big date field and space. If you want to see the orders in a list instead – click on the right of these symbols. Then you can sort the orders. See more about it in the next section. To change back to the default view just click on the left symbol.
Select categories and sort headings in the list
In the list mode, you can select what kind of information you want to see about an order and sort the information categories by moving the headings.

Click on this symbol (blue field with a small plus sign) above the list and select categories. The category appears as a heading in the list.
If you want to change the order of the categories, just drag them where you want them.
If you want to remove a category, drag the category to the small plus sign (se the image above) and it will be deleted.
By clicking on different headings in the list, you can sort the orders in many ways. For example, alphabetically by name, order number or date.
Do you want to remove Performed Work Orders from the To-Do list? Click on the order and set it as Ready to invoice and then Mark as invoiced. The system does NOT automatically forward the order for invoicing when you do this.
Right part of an “order field”

See Image 1. By clicking on the gear in an order, you can choose to eg Perform, View, Change, Assign, Delete – depending on your user rights in the system and what kind of order it applies.
Changes here automatically take effect anywhere in the system.
If it is a service order, you can also send orders to accounting software.

This symbol indicates how many people have been assigned this order.

On Work Orders the number indicates that there are comments linked to the order.
Frequently asked questions about To do
Why are the executed orders still in the To Do list?
Is the order invoiced? If it is – go to the work order, or if it is a service, to the service protocol and click on Mark as invoiced.
If you use the accounting system Fortnox, you can set this to happen automatically. In the accounting system Visma, this setting is default.
To find all such orders, you can set the search filter in To Do to Show Uninvoiced.
Information for administrators
Rights for users concerned To do:
View, View (only) assigned