The system has a number of symbols and colors as standard to make it easier for you.
If you do not see one or more of these symbols, you do not have permission to that part of the system.
In several functions you can click on the questionsmark (?) do get more information about a color or symbol.
Dark blue indicates where you are in the Menu. So here you have clicked Execute – Planner – Resource.
The background colors in an order list
Red – missed order, ie a booking that has expired
Orange – planned, started
Green – planned but not yet handled, a future date
Purple – performed and ready for invoicing
Blue – performed and invoiced
Colors in the Planner and Time Report
An administrator can specify colors for individual resources / employees and color-code the different time report types (eg sick child, overtime, travel time). Read more about report types.
Order colors and symbols
Contact order – CO
Service order – SO
Work order – WO
Purchase order – PO
Sales order – SA
Two-tone work order
The narrow colored stripe to the left of a work order indicates a Custom Status. You can set the color and value for the status with your admin account under Module settings – Work order settings.
Search order, filter your search
By clicking on this symbol you will see a number of different filters such as time intervals, certain types of orders, assigned to a certain person, booked or not booked, etc. The filters are a little different depending on the type of order. By clicking Save Settings you keep the settings. The settings you have selected are also visible in text just below the Search bar (Image 2.
You can also save your selection of sorting (see Change list view) by clicking Save settings.
Save filter as Favorite
You can create favorites in all places where it is possible to set a filter and a Save settings button – To do, Work order, Service order …
You can create as many favorites as you want and fit.
Do this:
- Click on the Filter symbol (image 1) and choose your settings for the filter.
- Click on Save settings.
- Type a name for your Favorite.
- Click Save as Favorite.
The Favorites buttons appear on the right as in the example below.
To return to your previously (default) saved filter, reload the page.
To see which settings a Favorite has, click on the favorite and then on the filter symbol (image 1). You also see the filter in use under the search bar (see image 2).
A favorite cannot be edited. Delete the outdated one and create a new one.
Remove a filter: Click on the filter symbol (image 1) and then on your Favorite. Click Remove.
Click on the Plus symbol when you want to add an order, a model, a fault report …
This symbol means that you can create lists of many kind. For example, a list of work orders where you can quickly handle several orders at the same time – print, sign or send for invoicing.
Gear = settings
Shortcut to change or delete an order and assign the order to yourself or another resource. In storage, the gear leads to an inventory.
Click to see the order addresses on a map.
Change list view
Choose how you want the list to appear. As a simple list view or a slightly larger list with pictures.
Select categories to display as a heading in the list. This function is visible when you have selected list mode – the right symbol in the image above.
Browse between orders. If you use a filter / search parameter to search for orders, scroll through the searched orders.
(The function does not exist for Purchase Orders.)
Assigned to
Here you see how many have been assigned an order. Click on the figure and you will see which ones.
Add comments
If you can add comments, this symbol will appear. The number indicates the number of comments.
Order downloaded
Are you unsure which orders you have opened and thus saved on your mobile or computer? A download symbol in the right corner of the detail list view tells you which ones.
Shopping cart
Create purchase orders directly in a work or service order. The list can then be emailed to the coordinator or directly to the supplier.
Print and create pick list
You will find the print symbol in the ToDo section. Click to create and print a pick list for your orders. You can select which orders you want to print a pick list for by clicking on the search symbol.
Click the download icon to create and download a list (csv file) of orders, service protocols and agreements. Filter your selection to the list by clicking the Search Filter button and save the settings. The symbol is also shown as black and white inside an order. This creates a list for that particular order.
f you want to separate an assignment from a work order or a service object from a service order, for example if you did not finish one assignment but want to invoice the others, click on this symbol. You find it in the upper right corner of the assignment/service object.
The order has been signed.
Action required
A red exclamation mark appears when there is an error report to handle or an agreement to sign.
Sorting option
Do you want to change the order of a list you created? If possible, you will see three dots to the left of the fields. Hold the mouse pointer over the dots. Drag and drop the field where you want it.
Click on the magnifying glass to open the advanced search field where you can search with more details or limit the search. Handy if, for example, you have customers or facilities with similar names.
“This house symbol” appears when you use the Storage function but have not selected a default storage for the item. Click on the symbol to select storage.
Storage status
You see the star when you use the Storage function and select a default storage. The number indicates how many of the item is in stock. Click on the symbol if you want to select another storage or no storage at all.
Uploaded files are available
When performing a service, this symbol indicates that there are uploaded documents on the order and/or service object.
You will see these symbols in the upper right part of your screen.
Here you see all your messages about assigned, booked, deleted orders etc. A red number indicates the number of notifications. You can delete a notification by clicking on the red cross. Click on the information in a notification and you will be taken directly to the order.
Chat with each other. Create chat rooms, add members to the chat, choose whether it should be private or public.
The timer clocks your travel and working hours and helps you with mileage calculation. Read more about Timers.
Fast note
Use when you need to make a quick note and avoid having to open another note-taking software. Only you see your notes. They are saved until you delete them yourself by clicking on the red cross.
On a mobile device, you will find symbols for chat, timer and quick note under what looks like a square window.