Upload registry

With our templates, you can create files for uploading your records yourself.

To be able to upload admin permission is requiered

Using Fortnox och Visma? Read more here.

Try uploading a few records to see how it works before uploading everything. Also read Generally applies. Need help? Contact support!

Start by downloading a template file

  1. Go to Group Settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Upload Registers. You will be taken to the Upload page.
  3. Download the xlsx-file (template) you need.

Edit the xlsx-file

  1. Open the xlsx-file
  2. Open your old register
  3. Copy and past your old records in the xlsx-file under respective column
    • If your old register is an xlsx file (or file that can be resaved in xlsx), you can also change the headers in your old register so that they match the headers in the template file.
  4. If there are no corresponding headings, leave the table blank. You cannot add fields that are not in the template file. The order of the headings is not important, but the names must not be changed.  Read more under Generally applies.

Upload the file

  1. Go back to the page Upload.
  2. Select section you want to upload records to and press Choose File…
  3. A green bar indicates that the upload is in progress. It is fine to leave the page, the upload is not interrupted. When the upload is complete, the system prints how many records were in the file and how many were uploaded. If the numbers are different, it is because some record could not be uploaded.

Doesn’t it work?

A common error is that formatting remains in the file, which means that it cannot be uploaded. Then try to open the file again and clear formatting and then save the file again. If you use Excel, the function Clear – Clear format is in the menu under Start.

What can be uploaded?

You can find all the different xlsx files that you use to create your upload file on the Upload Register / Upload. In each file there are different headings, some headings must be filled in, as customer number and name in the Customer Register and description for service objects.

These files are currently available. If you have just started with Serviceprotokoll.se, start by uploading your customer register as it is the basis for the entire system.

Article register* Price list Customer register Customer articles Facilities Discount letters Service  templates Service object Service object, parts Models Models, parts Service (order) Supplier Work order Work order, parts Work order assignments Contacts Service protocol Stocktaking**

Import a storage

*If you use the storage function and have made an inventory, you can upload it to replenish the register. You will then receive the articles with stock balance and storage locations directly.

**If an inventoried article is missing from your article register, it will be added to the article register when you upload the inventory.

Learn more about importing a storage/inventory here.

Generally applies:

  • ALWAYS download a new file when creating a file to upload as the files changes and updates from time to time.
  • The file contains a number of preset headers. These headers must be in the file you create but do not have to be in this exact order.
  • The file must not contain any formatting. If you use Excel, the function Clear – Clear format is in the menu under Start.
  • Always start by uploading a small number of records to see that everything will be and end up right.
  • Always upload the registry itself before uploading the registry parts file. Ex: First the file Service object, then the file Service object, parts.
  • A service object that is a “parent object” must have a serial number if you want to be able to upload child objects.
  • If the date is to be specified (f.i installationdate), the default is yyyy-mm-dd, but pretty much all variations are accepted.
The headers in the template files

Always start with the customer register –  customer-import-serviceprotocol.xlsx

field in xlsx-filefield on customer record
customernumber customer number
namename on customer
invoiceemailinvoice email
contactperson of contact
phone1-“- phone
phone2-“- mobile
email-“- email address
addressaddress row 1 invoice address
address2address row 2 invoice address
zipcodezipcode invoice address
citycity invoice address
provinceprovince invoice address
countrycountry invoice address
commentcomments concerning the customer (will not shown to customer.)

In the image below, we have entered the names from the xlsx file into their respective fields.

Customer card with the names of the fields that are in the xlsx file inserted.

Upload files from finance and administration systems

No information in English is available for Visma


From programs like Fortnox, records are loaded automatically when you add the integration. Please note that it takes time due to limitation in file transfer from provider. You add integrations under Group Settings. Go to the bottom of the page – Add integration.

Need help?

We can of course help you make an export to excel, filter what you want imported and then we import the excel file for you. Contact us for a quote!

Updated on 16 December 2024
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