Fault report can be found under the menu Execute and on a Service object, at the bottom, under the Add button.
A customer user can also add a fault report, if you have set that permission. Read more about customer user here.
Handle fault reports
When a new fault reports is added a red circle shows in the menu. A number tells you how many fault reports are waiting to be handled.
If you want a notification (e-mail/SMS) about a new fault report or when a fault report assigned to you have been changed you set that in your account settings.
Find fault reports
You can sort the list of fault reports and choose which headings (categories) you want to see in the list.
Filter your search

By default, only fault reports are displayed where you have not generated a work order or sales order. If you want to see all fault reports, click on the filter button and deselect Show not converted.
Here you can also search for canceled by unchecking Not canceled.

To create an fault report:
Option 1:
- Go to Execute > Fault Report
- Click the + sign.
Option 2:
- Go to Service > Service object.
- Find the service object the fault report applies to.
Option 3:
- Search the customer or the facility.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the customer/facility and click Add.
- Choose Make fault report.
The rest applies to all options. In option 2, you get information about the service object automatically in the fault report.
Step 1
Fill in the Fault report

Customer, facility and contact person
Fill in customer and select facility if applicable.
Fill in the contact person. Place the cursor in the field and all contact persons at the customer/facility will be listed.
You set expressions for status yourself, so if you don’t see status, you haven’t set them. See more under Information for admin.
If the status you select from the list matches a work order status expression, this status will be set automatically when you generate a work order.
Example: If you select the status “Urgent” and that status is also in the settings for work orders, you do not need to enter it again.
Service object
Place the cursor in the field and all service items at the facility will be listed. If the service item is not available, click on the plus sign and a pop-up will open where you fill in information about the new service item.
Here you fill in a short description of what is wrong, or needs to be done. This is shown in the list of fault reports for identification.
Comment to service technician regarding the fault report.
Select whether the comment should be internal or not, i.e. whether it should be displayed for logged-in customers.
Cost center
Cost center is taken from the facility.
If this is not available and information regarding the cost center needs to be included on the invoice, you can fill it in here.
The customer’s order number
Enter the customer’s order number if desired. The number is shown at the top of the fault report in the detail view. If the customer’s order number has not been filled in, a – is displayed.

You can use notes to follow up and document what was done on the error report. For each note you make, you can specify the time required. This can be good for being able to follow up the time spent later.
When you have saved the fault report and want to create a new note, click on + Add note.

Fill in the service template
If you have added a service template for error reports, fill in the service points.
Read more about the service template under Information for admin.
Save the error report to continue.
Step 2
Now you can (depending on your user permissions)
Upload documents
If necessary, upload a photo of the facility / fault or other documentation that facilitates the assessment of the fault.
Good to know: If you use a mobile phone to take photos as attached documents, the photo will be sent directly to the order. They are not saved automatically on your mobile.
If the customer is assigned to a technician, that technician is automatically by e-mail or sms (depending on his or hers settings in My account) notified that a fault report has been received.
If no technician is assigned to the customer or facility you can here Assign a Resource the Fault Report. A notification (e-mail or text message) then goes to the assigned technician that a fault report is awaiting action.
Step 3
Alt 1. Create work order
Click on Generate a work order.
The fault report then will become the basis for a new Work-order.
On the work order you will find a link to the fault report.
If the customer is connected to a subgroup, this follows from the fault report to the work order. The information about subgroup is taken from the customer card.
Alt 2. Create sales order
Click Generate sales order and a sales order is created with the information from the fault report.
Let your customers enter fault reports
You can give the customer the permission to enter fault reports directly into the system. Then the customer can follow what happens with the fault report – both the current and any previous one. Read more about how to create accounts for customers.
Information to administrators
Under Group settings you will find Fault report settings.
Here you can set:
- Time to Reminder (Hours)
Specify the time period for when the fault report reminder will be sent to the assigned technician. - Create custom status fields specifically tailored for your company’s/group’s needs. The fields are free text fields and you can create as many statuses as needed.

About Custom status
If the custom status selected matches a work order’s custom status when the work order is generated, this status will be set automatically.
In the picture above you see, for example, status: “Urgent”. If “Urgent” is also available as an option in the work order’s custom status, it will be added to the work order automatically.
Create a service template for reporting errors
To facilitate the collection of information about the error or to prepare the customer visit, you can create a service template and connect it to the Fault report. Only one (1) service template can be added.
You set which service template should be on the fault report under Module settings – Report settings.
How to create a service template.
User permissions concerning Fault Report
View, Create, Edit, Delete, Convert to Work Order, Remove Uploaded Files
Integrate fault reporting on your own web site
Option 1 – FaultReport integration:
- Contact us to get documentation.
- Sign in with your admin account.
- Go to Group settings.
- Click Add Integration (bottom of page).
- Select FaultReport. Fill in the key provided by us.
Option 2 – add a link on your website:
It is, of course, also possible to simply link to Serviceprotocol.com to sign in here. If you want your logo on the sign in page, read how to do here.
This is what it looks like, for example, on the company Aveios sign in box.