Work order

A work order is a job that should be performed, but does not count as a recurring service. Used in e.g. repairs and installations.

There are a variety of settings for customizing work orders according to your business needs. Therefore, the documentation here is only one version of what a work order might look like. If you do not see features presented here, it depends on the settings you or an administrator at your company have selected. All optional settings for Work orders are listed at the bottom of this documentation under Information to administrators.

You can create a work order by clicking Execute – Work Order , in conjunction with a bug report and after a service performed. Also you can add a work order from the Planner.

Below you see an example of Assignment.

How to create a Work order:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Go to Perform > Work Order.
  3. Press the button with the +sign to the right of the search box.
  4. Fill in the required fields.
  5. When you are done, press the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the new work order.

When the work order has been saved, the date of creation is displayed and (if you have selected that setting – see more under Module settings – Work order settings – Show last edit) in a drop-down list, you will see the date and name when and by whom the order was changed.

Search Work order 

Click this button to filter your search.
Example: select those assigned to you, refine by date, customer, etc.

If you want to use the same filter multiple times, you can choose to Save settings, at the bottom of the box. Your selected filter will be viewed under the search box.

You can also choose to save the filter as Favorite. Read more about Save as favorite.

You can scroll through the work orders, partly by clicking on an order in the list, and partly by scrolling with the arrows in the upper right corner inside an order.

If you used a filter for your search among orders, you scroll through that selection.

If you want to search for a specific order and know the number, you can write an asterisk * before the number.


By clicking on this symbol, you can display lists of work orders and can handle several orders at the same time, eg Print the listSend orders to accounting softwaresign …

Image 1: view settings
Image 2: +sign
Sort the list

You can sort the work orders in your list.

  1. Click on the right half of the symbol shown in Image 1: view settings.
  2. Click on the plus symbol (Image 2) to the right above the list.
  3. Select categories to be visible.

If you want to change the order, drag the categories to where you want them.

Delete a category by clicking the +sign (image 2) and deselect the category in the drop-down-list.

Creating a list of work orders

1. First select if and how to filter your list by clicking the filter button.

Symbol ladda ner

2. Then click on this button. The list is created as a csv-file and can be opened in Excel, Numbers and other spreadsheet programs.

The different fields on a work order.

Image 1

The fields and functions you see depend on the settings you have selected, whether you create a new work order or perform the task in the work order. These settings are made by signing in with an admin account. Read more about settings and rights for work orders at the bottom of this page.

Custom fields are those you create yourself. See Image 1 and the field named “Special information.”


If you use the subgroups function, select which subgroup to link to the work order.

If you have added custom fields for a subgroup, they will be automatically added to the work order.


Enter the date when the work is planned to be performed.


Enter the customer’s name in the box. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you to find the right existing customers. If the customer is not on the list, write the customer’s name. You will then be asked if you want to add the customer. Answer yes and the customer will be added automatically. If you want to directly fill in more information about the customer, click on + Add customer. A new tab in your browser opens where you can fill in all the information in your Customer Register.
This field is mandatory ie you must enter a customer.

Image 2

Check or change the customer’s details

When you have selected a customer, you can check the address etc. of the customer by clicking on the pen.

Edit the information and click Save.


Fill in the name of the facility. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you to locate existing facilities.

If the facility is not in the list, enter the name of the facility and it will be automatically saved in the Facility Register . If you want to fill in the address of the facility at the same time, click on + Add facility. A box will open where you can fill in the address. Click Add when done.

If you want to enter more information than the address of the facility, click directly on the More button and the facility will open in your Facility Register. (Opens in a new tab in your browser.) Fill in and save the information. You can now close that tab and return to the tab with your work order.

If the billing address differs from the address of the service object, a facility must be selected or added.

If there are articles linked to the facility, these will be added under Articles.

Custom field

You can create any number of custom fields to add your own information. These fields are created using an admin account.

Invoiced to

Here you enter the information needed when a customer other than the one specified in the work order is to be invoiced.

Invoiced to other customer is displayed when in Group settings – Module settings – Work order settings you have selected the option: Show invoiced to. To make this setting, admin permissions are required.

If you have specified that the service object is to be invoiced to another customer, that information is displayed in the Assignment field under the service object.

If you have specified on the service object record that the service objekt is to be invoiced to another customer, that information is displayed in the Assignment field under the service object. If you have not set “Invoiced to” on the object, but on the facility, the information is retrieved from the facility.

Choose Order type

Select order type. If you have not entered any order types, the field is not displayed.

Read how to create order types here.

Choose order type
This picture is from a Service order but the Order type field is located on the same place in a Work order.
Person of contact/requester

Here you can search for contact persons or add a new contact person. The information is saved so you can quickly search for it next time.

When you add a contact person here, it is saved on the facility, if there is no facility on the work order, the contact person is saved on the customer.

The same applies to the requester.

Custom field

If you have created your own custom fields for work orders the field will appear here. See example in image 1. The custom field is here named Special information.

Cost center

If further information regarding the cost center needs to be included on the invoice, it can be stated here.

Customer order number

Fill in if requested.

Custom status

Own status is a field that is formulated and set by yourself, for example if it should be mandatory to enter your own status. The settings for this are made via your administrator account.


A work order can contain several assignments. An assignment contains a description, measures and articles. To add a new assignment, click the + Add Assignment button. An assignment is located in its own field with a blue background so that you can easily see the different parts of the assignment.

Duplicate assignment

You can also, after saving the work order, duplicate an assignment by clicking +Duplicate Assignment under the assignment you want to duplicate. To edit the duplicated assignment click Edit at the bottom of the work order. The Service object will not be added since there cannot be two tasks with the same object in one work order.

When working in the mobile with a work order, you will find a box at the top of the mobile that indicates which assignment is displayed (the service object and the description of the assignment). If you click on the box, you will get to the top of that assignment.

Separate assignment

If you want to separate an assignment from a work order, for example if you did not finish one assignment but want to invoice the others, click on this symbol in the upper right corner of the assignment you want to separate from the order.

SplitYou will be asked for confirmation (2) and when you click yes, a new work order will be created for this assignment.

This printscreen shows an old symbol! We will update it soon!

If you want to delete an assignment, open the order (ie you clicked on Edit) then on the red cross in the upper right corner.
To undo a deletion, click on the undo symbol in the lower left corner.
or Shift + Z

QR-code symbol

If you see this symbol, you can use the mobile phone’s camera to read the QR code on service objects. Then all information entered on the service object is filled in automatically.

Service object

Service objects entered on the customer in the Customer register appear when you place the cursor in the box.

If you need to change the information about the object, click on the pen to the right of the name of the object. A popup will open where you can make your changes. Here you can also upload images and documents.

If the service object is not in the list, you can add it by clicking on the + symbol and a popup will open (see image below). The service object is then added, in addition to the work order, to your register of service objects.

The “Add field” gives you the opportunity to enter the basic information about the object. If you need to complete the information (mark on the map, enter a contact person, connect to an agreement, etc.), do so later in the register.


The description is displayed in the list of work orders to support identification.


In the case of an error report, enter the error here.


Under measures, list what was done and the date of the action.

Click Edit on the order if you want to add images under actions.


If you have chosen to separate time from articles, there are fields for this here. This is a setting made with an admin account.


Enter articles needed for the assignment and used items. You can see who added the articles and the price for them if you have that permission.

The article search function helps you find the right one. You see recently used items as well as the items of the selected service item. This applies to all article search fields. Prices are retrieved from the article register.

Viewing price, net / gross and discount is a setting of user permission made with an admin account.

All price information is collected in a field under the assignment.

The barcode symbol indicates that you can use the phone’s camera / barcode scanner to read a barcode to add items.

If you have entered a facility and there are articles on it, the articles are automatically added here. Click on the red cross if they are to be removed.

Articles to be ordered

Click + Add an Article to add articles that need to be ordered to complete the order. Change the status of the article if necessary. For example, if you have called the supplier and ordered the item, set the status to Ordered.

If you have entered an email address in the Work Order Settings to which all orders should be sent, an email will be sent when you save the order. The email will be titled Articles to order at AO:xxx and will contain the articles, a link to the order, and the name of the person who placed the articles for order.

If you don’t use the automatic function described above click this symbol to add the articles to an already existing purchase order or create a new one.

You can click on this symbol to save a list of the articles.

When the article has then arrived and it is time to invoice, you need to convert the ordered article to a used article, i.e. move it from the heading Articles to be ordered to Articles.

Do this:

  • Open the order by clicking Edit..
  • Click on the green arrow to the right of the article and the article will be moved up and listed as used.

If you do not do this and click on Ready for invoicing, you will receive a message that there are articles to be ordered on the order. Ordered articles cannot be added to the invoice, regardless of status (e.g. “delivered”).


Here you add any self-checks. You create a self-check under the menu Function> Self-check. See more under Creating templates.

If you have chosen to set a mandatory self-check, it will be added automatically. See more here.

Other articles may be those that do not directly belong to the assignment. It is a separation that can be used if you want to differentiate in the statistics.

If you have chosen to separate time / articles, Time and Articles will appear both under Assignment and under Other articles. This is a setting made in Group settings – Edit article settings – “Separate time report articles”.


Time articles and articles are summarized here.


Select/assign a resource to carry out the assignment and specify the booked day and time. Click + Add a booking. The resource’s working hours are filled in automatically – if you have entered these under User settings.

A warning triangle appears if you try to book a resource that is already booked on another order.

When you create a booking, you will be asked if you want to send a booking confirmation to the contact person for the order. The date for when the booking confirmation has been sent and if the booking has changed after the confirmation has been sent is displayed. You can also send a booking confirmation directly from the detail view of the order.

The booking confirmation e-mail includes the name of the technician, date of the booking and the order number. If the recipient of the booking confirmation has a login as customer user the e-mail also includes a link to the Work order.


Here you can add additional information. By default, the comments are not displayed to the customer. If you want the customer to see the comments, you can change it when you have saved the order.

Pratbubblan och en siffra visar att det finns en kommentar

This symbol with a number indicates that there are comments in a work order. The symbol appears in the lists of work orders (but not if you have selected the list mode).


When you have filled in all the information for the work order, click on Save. When you save, you also see if there is an agreement linked to the service object to which the order applies.


To approve a work order, a signature is required. This signature can either be filled in by the responsible technician, a customer or both. If work on the work order is performed on several different occasions, the work order is partially signed.

If both the technician and the customer are to sign, you need to have activated that setting in Work order settings – Signature settings. The technician then signs first and then the customer.

Even if you have signed the order, you can still add lines (items, actions) to work orders but not change in the already signed lines. Click Edit to make changes on the order.

A name clarification is automatically located for the name you entered under your account settings. If you ask another user or customer to sign the work order, enter a new name clarification in the field.

Once you have signed the order, you can (depending on what permissions you have, mark it as Ready for invoicing and / or Send order to accounting software. It is now also possible to Generate invoice.

Concerning permission see User permissions.

Signatures can be cleared if the user has that permission. Admin account is required to set this permission.

More to do

Edit, Assign, Upload document, Email protocol, Cancel, Delete, Set to recurring, History

Concerning Delete and Cancel

If you choose to delete an order, it will disappear completely, including the history of the order. If you choose to cancel, the history remains and is marked with a large red cross in the list of work orders and in To do.


If you need to remove multiple work orders click on the collection symbol. Select the orders and click Delete.

Concerning Upload Document

To be able to delete documents, you need a special permission that an administrator can grant you.
If you need to rename a document, do so locally on your device, reload the document, and delete the old one. It is not possible to rename an already uploaded document.

If you use a mobile phone to take photos as attached documents, the photo will be sent directly to the work order. They are not saved on your mobile.

Regarding sending email/SMS

Under this button there are several possibilities to notify the customer – booking confirmation, self-checks, minutes… Read more in the article Email/SMS.

When you select Send message, contact persons from the order, the customer, the facility and “Invoiced to (other customer)” are listed. E-mail address and name appear in a list when you place the cursor in the field for e-mail.

If you have selected the Email setting “Include order attachments when sending emails”, attached files will also be sent.

Generate backorder

When you have signed and marked the order as Ready for invoicing, you can quickly create a back order if, for example, something needs to be fixed that was included in the order but was not completed or if the customer returns because the error persists, by clicking on Generate back order. The backorder includes all information about the customer, assignments and objects. The order gets the same number supplemented by a -1, example 421-1. Just supplement with measures and articles.

To search for an order and its remaining order, add a semicolon; after the order number, ex 421;

Create quote

Creates a quote with information from work orders – customer, facility, service object, articles, etc. Your name is changed to “Our reference”.


If something happens to be wrong with the order and this is discovered after it has been invoiced, the order can be restored to correct the error. This should be done by an admin and only in case of emergency and things that do not affect invoicing.

Click Restore, then Edit. You will get a warning – answer Yes, make the changes and then save.

When you are done, click on Ready for invoicing, choose No when the system asks if the order should be sent for invoicing again and finally Mark as invoiced.

Information to administrators

There are a number of settings for work orders and permissions that can be made. Sign in with the admin account – In Group settings you will find Module settings.

Read also:

List of module settings – Edit Work order settings
  • Articles to be ordered email.
    Enter an email address to receive email about articles that needs to be ordered. These are sent automatically when a work order is saved. The email will be titled Articles to order at AO:xxx and will contain the articles, a link to the order, and the name of the person who placed the articles for order.
  • Articles ordered email.
    Enter the email address to receive email about items that have been ordered. These are sent automatically when a work order is saved.
  • Articles delivered email.
    Enter the e-mail address that should have e-mail when parts are delivered. These are sent automatically when a work order is saved.
  • Description suggestions.
    Give suggestions for, for example, common descriptions of the assignment.
  • Measure suggestions.
    Indicate proposals for, for example, common measures for the assignment.
  • Print settings:
    • Show signatures.
    • Show images.
    • Show full self checks.
    • Remove prices from print.
      Note that this applies to all prints. In addition, it affects when you do not have integration with an accounting system and generate an invoice from, for example, a service protocol or a sales order.
    • Include comments in print.
      Mark this if you want to include comments that are shown to the customer on the printed pdf.

  • List settings:
    • Sort on serial number as default.
    • Set begun on added articles
    • Show sub group shifter
      The different subgroups appear as menu tabs over the work order list so that you can quickly choose to see work orders for each subgroup.
Custom statuses

Click on +Add status. In a text field, enter the different status expressions you want to use. Select the color that the status should have in the list of work orders. The color is placed as a narrow strip on the symbol for the work order – see picture / symbol below with a green stripe marking that there is a status.
You can change the order of the status fields by dragging the three dots on the left.

drop-down menu is created on the work order where you then select the status that applies to the current order.
Should it be mandatory to enter status, select that setting – see further down in this list under Require custom status to sign the order or save order.

En arbetsorder. Den smala gröna remsan berättar att ordern har en egendefinierad status
View settings
  • Show customer comment on order
    Comments you put on the Customer in the Customer Register are displayed on orders under the customer’s name. See image below.
  • Show facility comment on order
    Comments you have placed on the facility in the Facility Register are displayed on orders under the name of the facility. See image below.
  • Show service object comment on order.
    Comments you put on service objects in the service object register are displayed on orders under the name of the service object.
  • Disable ready if there are articles to be ordered. 
    When you click on Ready to invoice, a box will appear informing you that there are items to order and the order can therefore not be marked as Ready to be invoiced.
  • Auto assign user when signing.
  • Include custom fields on PDF.
  • Include custom status on PDF. 
  • Include creation date on PDF.
  • Require measures to send order.
    You must have specified one or more actions before you can send the order to the accounting software.
  • Require service object for signature.
    The work order cannot be signed without a service object linked to the order.
  • Require service object runtime if a counter exists.
    The work order cannot be saved without filling in the current operating time.
  • Require custom status to sign order.
    You can not sign the order without having selected a custom status. You create custom status based on your own needs.
  • Required custom status to save order.
    You can not save the order without having selected a custom status. You create custom status based on your own needs. See Custom Status.
  • Show “Add measure”-button in details view.
    The + Add measure button appears below the ASSIGNMENT – Measures field so you quickly can add actions. So you do not need to click Edit first.
  • Require price on all articles.
    Price must be stated for all items you add to the order.
  • Show address on details view.
    Displays the visit address (in text) on the work order.
  • Show last edit.
    The top part of the order shows the field Last modified:. In a drop-down menu, you see when and who made changes to the order. The field only appears when there are changes. This setting also effects Purchase order.
  • Require contact information to save order.
    You must enter a contact to save the work order.
  • Require articles from registry.
  • Hide Error/Cause.
    This hides the quick entry feature (ie without clicking Edit on an order) to enter the error/cause.
  • Show requester.
    This creates a field for customer contact information.
  • Show ‘other’ articles.
    Field for other articles. May be items that are not directly related to the order.
  • Show articles to be ordered.
    Displays fields for items to order.
  • Show bookings.
    Displays fields for placing bookings for an order.
  • Use planned date.
    Shows the Planned field at the top of an order as well as in the list views.
  • Show invoiced to.
    Creates a field “Invoiced to” another customer. The information also shows in the detail list view as Invoiced to:
  • Show custom status.
  • Use fast add articles.
    This shows the quick insert feature (ie without clicking Edit on an order) to be able to add items.
  • Add model to database.
    When you add a service item and specify a new model, it is added to “Group Models”.
  • Set default planned date to today.
  • Add articles to registry automatically.
  • Immediately send to ERP on ready for invoicing.
  • Show custom info
    Adds the content on the Custom Info field from the service object under the Assignment on the work order.
    Custom information is retrieved from the service object record. Info templates for Custom information are created in Service – Info template.
Signature settings
  • Use customer signatures
    Allows a customer to sign after a regular signature has been made. Logic that is executed during a regular signature will instead be executed after the customer has signed.
  • Require customer signatures
    The order cannot be completed without a customer’s signature.
  • Require service object for signing
    A service object must be included in the order in order for it to be signed.
  • Require custom status to sign the order
    You must have selected a self-defined status to be able to sign the order.
  • Require self-checks to be completed to sign the order
    The self-checks must be completed and signed in order for the order itself to be signed.

Fast add articles

Here you can list items that are always coming up as suggestions when creating a work order. If you have subgroups, you set whether all or only selected subgroups should display the articles.

Custom field

Read more about custom fields here.

Mandatory self-checks

Enter one or more self-checks that should be mandatory, i.e. you must perform the self-check before the order can be completed. The self-check is automatically added to newly created orders.


You use this field to write a message that is sent to the customer, for example, when an item is available for pickup or a confirmation that a work order has been received. Only one version of the message can be entered here, but the message text can be changed when you send the message on a work order. Click on “Send message” at the bottom of the order.
Read about this function under E-mail / SMS.

Learn how to create Template for Work order protocol and Self-checks

Order types

Create your own order types. This possibility is available both in the Work order and Service order to specify order types of your needs. Add a name for the typ. Set color for the dot that will follow the type. The white field isn’t used here.

Read more about Order types.

Create order type
User permission concerning work order

View, View (only) assigned, Edit, Edit (only) assigned, Create, Delete, Invoice*, Generate invoice*, Assign, Assign to self, Perform**, E-mail protocol, Send booking confirmation, Set to recurring, Sign, Remove uploaded file, Remove self check from order, Change measure user, Set to ready for invoicing*, Duplicate.

About invoice permissions*

Set ready for invoicing – the user sees the Ready for invoicing button but cannot do anything more about the invoice.

Invoice – the user sees the button Ready for invoicing and can set Mark as invoiced and Generate backorder.

Generate invoice – Gives the user the right to generate an invoice and the right to send it directly to invoicing. When you click ready for invoicing, you are asked if the order should be sent to accounting software, but also has the Send to accounting software button.


If you want an employee to only be able to perform and not be able to change anything on a work order, you choose only this permission. The employee can still add a Self-Check.

Clear signatures 

All signatures on an order are deleted.

User permission concerning qr-verification

Activation and Perform

Activation means that the user has the right to activate QR verification on service objects.

Permissions for Service object, Customer and Facility also effects your functionality on a work order.

Updated on 5 March 2025
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