25-03-04 – ToDo “Show only this week”, Suomi, news in purchase order and Agreement
Add images on Work order under Measures

Click Edit to add images on measures.
New setting in ToDo filter
Under Show only, we’ve added “This week” and “This month”. Save this setting as a default or favorite so you don’t have to change dates so often. Here’s how to save as a standard or favourite.

New language – Finnish / Uusi kieli – suomi
Serviceprotokoll käyttö on nyt mahdollista suomeksi.Teet asetukset tilisi asetuksissa (My account) – napsauta käyttäjätunnustasi päästäksesi sinne.
You can now choose to use Serviceprotocol in Finnish. You can do this in your Account Settings – click on your username to get there.
Purchase order – now with Custom Fields and Print Template option
Create your own custom fields for purchase orders under Group Settings – Purchase Order Settings. Learn how to create custom fields.
Tags for creating your own print templates for purchase orders can be found in the article Print Templates.
Work order + Quotation
If you have created identical custom fields on work orders and quotes, the content of the field will follow when you create work orders from quotes and vice versa.
Agreement have fields for service order articles and work order articles
If you add work order articles and service order articles to an agreement, the articles are automatically added when you create a work order or service order on the customer.