contains several ways to send messages to customers – booking confirmation, order confirmation, protocol, messages to and from customers directly in an order, etc. as well as messages within your group.
If you want to send a message to several people at the same time, write the addresses with a comma between them but without spaces. Example:,
Information about when, to whom and who sent the message is displayed at the top (E-mail sent:) of the detail view of a Quote, Work Order or Service Protocol
If a change has been made to the order, the information about the sent e-mail or booking will be highlighted in red. Consider sending an email with the updated order.
The maximum number of characters in an SMS is 160. If the message is longer, it will be sent as multiple SMS messages.
Mobile numbers for SMS are always entered with +country code and without the 0 in the number. Ex: +46705123456
You set the sender name for SMS under Module settings – Email settings. The name can contain a maximum of 11 characters including spaces. This is a limitation of the SMS function and something we cannot influence.
Use own mail server
If you want to use your own mail server for your mailings, go to Group settings – Email settings and fill in settings for your SMTP.
We are not able to provide support when using own SMTP. If you have any problems, please contact your email provider.
Choose who to send to
If there is a contact person on the order, it is displayed directly in the address field.
To select an additional or different email address/contact person you want to send to, place the cursor in the ADDRESS field.
The list is sorted alphabetically by first name. After each name is indicated which facility the contact is at. The billing address is also included in the list if this is specified on the customer.
Attach files to mailings
Under Group settings – E-mail settings, you can choose to select “Include uploaded files when sending”. Then you can choose which files should be attached when you send the email.
On a Service Protocol, you must also have selected the “Show images” setting for this to work. You make the setting in Service protocol settings.
Change to your logo in emails
Replace the service protocol logo with your company logo in all e-mails. The logo that is sent is the one you uploaded in Group settings.
Admin permissions are required.
Gör så här:
Go to Group settings
Click on Email settings
Mark “Show group logo”
E-mail/SMS (found at the bottom of an order)
At the bottom of an order page you will find the link Email/SMS. It can contain slightly different possibilities depending on what kind of order it is and what the order contains.
On a Service order you have only one option – Email.
Create your own templates for emailing protocols and order confirmations
With this function, you can create your own mailings for sending protocols and order confirmations for Work Orders, Service orders and Service Protocols as well as order confirmations for Sales Orders. The function is also available for Purchase orders and Quotations by clicking the button Send e-mail.
Fill in the subject and the message you want to send. The subject is what appears as the subject of the email. The message may contain code. You can have several different messages. Click + Add a new template to create more.
Step 2 – Sending
Select the order you want to send from.
Click on E-mail/SMS in the footer and select E-mail protocol or Email order confirmation. On a Purchase Order or Quotation, click Send e-mail.
If there is a contact person on the order, this is filled in automatically. Otherwise, place the cursor in the Address field and if there are contact persons at the facility or the customer, they will be listed. You can also enter an email address.
Choose whether you want to send the document/protocol (pdf) using the system’s standard template or one of your own created templates.
Put the cursor in the fields for SUBJECT and your template(s) will appear. Click on the template you want to use. Subject and text are filled in automatically. You can change the text of the message. Changes to a single mailing do not change your template.
The name of the attached file is named after the order number, but it is fine to change the file name.
Email from template
You can also use this function if you want to formulate a slightly longer e-mail message, send a survey, etc. You create the templates in the same way as above, but when you choose Email with template no document is attached.
Concerning work order
Send word order when Ready for invoicing
When you click Ready for invoicing on a work order, you will be asked if you want to send the work order as a pdf to the customer if you selected “Send work order: Yes” on the contact person for the customer or facility.
This is how you specify that e-mail should be sent automatically to the contact person for the customer.
Here is an example of the email that is sent. The text cannot be edited.
Send messages
Do you want to formulate your own text for sending a message linked to a work order? For example, notification that an ordered product is available for collection? The message can be sent as e-mail and/or SMS.
This is an extra service that we activate for you. Contact us if you gets an error message.
Gör så här:
Go to Group settings (admin-permission is required)
Click on Work order settings
Enter your text in the field
To send:
Open the Work Order you want to send the message from.
Click on E-mail / SMS in the footer – select Send message.
A popup will appear with your message. You can change the message if needed.
Choose how you want to send the massage. Place the cursor in the fields to retrieve the address/mobile number of entered contact persons.*
Click Send.
*Select contact person to send message to
When you send a message on a work order, contact persons from the order, the customer, the facility and “invoiced other customer” are listed. E-mail address and name appear in a list when you place the cursor in the field for e-mail.
Send booking confirmation
(Applies to Work Orders and Service Orders)
Automatic e-mail function
When you add a booking on a service or work order and save the order, you will be asked: “Do you want to send an email to the contact person with booking confirmation?”
The question only comes up if there is a contact person on the order. Please note that only emails are sent with this automatic feature.
Send (new) booking confirmation
A booking confirmation can be sent by e-mail and/or SMS.
You may want to send a new confirmation if the booking changes or if the customer requests it. Do this:
Click on Send booking confirmation under the heading Booked without opening (Edit) the order. A popup will open with the option to send email and/or SMS.
Click on the method or methods you want to send.
Place the cursor in the fields and suggestions for phone numbers or e-mail addresses will appear.
The text is preset or downloaded from your booking confirmation template (see below), if you have created one, but can be changed in the popup if you wish.
Example of preset booking confirmation.
Booking confirmation template
Create a booking confirmation according to your own wishes regarding content and layout of the information. You can create different templates for work orders, service orders and contact orders.
Creating your own templates requires admin permissions.
Gör så här:
Go to Group settings – Email settings.
Fill in your booking confirmation templates.
Use these tags to get information into the template:
{company} = Your company
{futureBookings} = Name, date and time for all future bookings to be listed
{orderRef} = Order number
{nextBooking} = Name, date and time for next booking
{nextBookingName} = Name on the technician (user) on next booking
{nextBookingDate} = Date for the next booking
{nextBookingTime} = Time intervals for next booking
{facilityOrCustomer} = Customer or facility (if it exists)
{facility} = Facility name
{address} = Facility address, if none exists, visitor address is retrieved and if none of these exist, it takes the billing address
{customerOrderNumber} = Customer Order number. If a order number is missing the text “missing” is printed
{serviceObjects} = prints every service object separated with , (comma)
Hi, {facilityOrCustomer}
Our field service technician {nextBookingName} will visit you {nextBookingDate}, {nextBookingTime}
The work is concerning {orderRef}
Yours {company}
Hi, AD Building Company
Our field service technician John will visit you on Friday 06 October, between 07:00 – 08:00
The work is concerning WO462
Regards My company
Message to/from customers via the Comment field on an order
Notifications can also be sent via comments to and from customer users on a work order. Read more about how this works under Work order comments.
Applies to Service Protocol
Protocols are automatically sent to a service order’s contact person if you specified this on the contact person for the customer or facility. In the field for the contact person, select “Send service protocol: Yes”. When you have created a service protocol, you will then be asked if you want to send the protocol.
The text in the email sent is preset and cannot be changed.
If the recipient is a customer user or user of the system, he receives a direct link to the order, otherwise only the pdf as an attached file.
If you want to send to additional people, click on Email protocol at the bottom of the page. If you want to send the message to several people at the same time, write the addresses with a comma between them but without spaces. Example:,
Change the file name of the protocol (PDF).
Setting to Include machine number in the PDF file name.
Requires admin permissions.
Go to Module settings
Click on Purchase order settings
Select Include machine number in PDF file name
Internal emails
Work order
Settings for Articles to be ordered email and more.
Requires admin permissions.
Go to Module settings
Click on Work order settings
Enter a email address
Here you can set the following for work orders:
Articles to be ordered email
Articles ordered email
Articles delivered email
Service order
Email settings Articles to be ordered.
Requires admin permissions.
Logga in som admin
Go to Module settings
Click on Service order settings
Enter a email address
Purchase order
Purchase order setting – Send to default email.
Requires admin permissions,
Go to Module settings
Choose Purchase settings
Enter a email address
Change how notifications are sent within your group
Setting for the Planner: Send notification on booking with remaining time
Requires admin permissions.
Go to Module settings
Planner settings
Change how notifications are sent to you
Notification of when you have been assigned an order, booked or when orders are created or changed or if you want a service reminder, you set yourself up via your own Account settings.Click on your username to access your Account Settings.
The setting for e-mail/SMS to be sent can also be changed by admin under User permission on a user. Select Edit user settings. However, the admin cannot change the type of messages to be sent, only the user can do this