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Purchase order

Under Purchase orders, you manage all your purchase orders. You can quickly add a purchase order, send it via email, print it, upload attachments, etc. And, if you use the function Storage, when the order is delivered – make a delivery to a storage.

Under the order number you will find the order label. It is also possible to search the order marking.

There are two ways to create a purchase order.

  1. Under the Purchase order menu in the Perform tab.
    Click the +sign to create a new Purchase order.
Image 1: A list of purchase orders (list view)

2. Create purchase orders directly in a Work or Service Order.
Add to the order the articles that needs to be ordered. Click on the shopping cart symbol and a purchase order will be created automatically.

Choose if you want to add the articles to an open purchase order (i.e. not sent to the supplier) or create a new purchase order. Image 2.

Image 2.

You can also download the list of items to buy. Click on this symbol in the Purchase order tab.

If you have the Storage function and if you have not specified a storage on the article to be ordered, you will have to remove the article manually when making the delivering.

3. Via a Storage by clicking Order shortage.

When you order shortage, the order is added to the quantity that is taken up to the order point. That is, if you have set the order point to 10 and have 8 in stock, 2 will be ordered on the Purchase Order.


To make changes in a Purchase Order open the order by clicking on the gear in the right part of the purchase order and select Edit och open the order and scroll to the bottom to find the button Edit.

Delivery address

If you have entered one or more standard delivery addresses in the Purchase order settings, these will be displayed when you place the cursor in the Address row 1 field.


Add comments by clicking + Add Comment.
To change/delete the comment click on the pen. Comments is not shown and cannot be added or edited when clicking Edit on the order.

By default, the comment is internal (ie not shown to customers and on printouts). Uncheck the box if the comment should be displayed.

The check box is visible when you click on + Add comment or on the pen. If Internal Comment is not checked, the text (displayed to customer) is added after your username.

Send order

To place your order, click Send e-mail. The system then opens a popup window and creates a pdf that can be emailed.

The system first retrieves the supplier’s e-mail, if there is no such, the e-mail address of the supplier’s contact person is retrieved, and if there is no such e-mail address either, the e-mail address you entered in Purchase order settings is retrieved (set by a admin).

You can also type an address.

This is what it looks like when you send a purchase order.

Just like in other orders, you see the status of your purchase orders through the color markings: Green for Created, orange for Sent and blue for Done.

Red marks a missed delivery date. If you have set the order as Sent (yellow) or Done (blue), it takes priority over a missed delivery date and the color red is not displayed.

You can also choose to mark an order as complete or sent by clicking Set to finished and Set to sent.

You can also choose to mark an order as finished or sent by clicking Set as finished and Set as sent.

When receiving the order

If you have the Storage function and if you have not specified a storage on the article to be ordered, you will have to remove the article manually when making the delivery to your storage.

Information for Administrators

Under Group Settings – Module settings – Edit Purchase Order Settings, you can:

  • enter a default email address for sending purchase orders
  • create descriptive texts for Prioritization suggestions
  • create custom fields
  • add standard delivery addresses

User permissions concerning Purchase Order: View, Edit, Create, Delete, Send, Delete Uploaded Files.

Updated on 26 February 2025
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