A Sales order (SA) can be created in several ways:
- by entering Perform > Sales order in the meny and click on the +sign.
- from a customer record in the Customer register.
- through the agreement with the customer.

Search Sales orders
The sales order detail view shows:
Status color – Date – Order number – Customer – Status
Under the customer, any facilities and service objects are displayed.
These colors are used:
Green – Received
Red – delivery date has passed
Purple – Ready for invoice
Blue – Invoiced
Regarding date: Date of delivery day is displayed. If there is none, the creation date is displayed.

Click this button to filter your search.
Example: select those assigned to you, delimit by date etc.

You can scroll through sales orders, partly by clicking on an order in the list, and partly by scrolling with the arrows in the upper right corner inside an order.

If you used a filter for your search among orders, you scroll through that selection.
Sort the list

You can sort the orders in the list. Do this:
- Click on the right part of the symbol (Image 1: View setting).
- Click on the small plus sign (Image 2) to the right of the list.
- Select categories to be visible.
If you want to change the order, drag and drop the categories where you want them.
To delete a category, drag the category to the + sign (the same one you clicked to add) and drop the category there.
Here we go through the different fields in the order they are when you create a sales order.
Sub group
If you use the subgroups function, select which subgroup to link to the sales order.
Have you added custom fields for a subgroup, those fields will be automatically added to the sales order.
Enter the customer’s name in the box. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you to find the right existing customers. If the customer is not on the list, write the customer’s name. You will then be asked if you want to add the customer. Answer yes and the customer will be added automatically. If you want to directly fill in more information about the customer, click on + Add customer. A new tab in your browser opens where you can fill in all the information in your Customer Register.
The field is mandatory.
Write the customer’s facility name. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you to locate existing facilities. If the facility is not included in the list, enter the name of the facility. You will then be asked if you want to add the facility. Answer yes and the facility will be added automatically.
If you want to fill in more information than just the name of the facility, click on + Add facility and a new tab will open in your browser. Fill in the information in your Facility Register. Save the information, close the window and return to the first tab.
If the billing address differs from the address of the service object, a facility must be selected or added.
Invoiced to
Select a customer.
The field is activated in the Sales order settings – Show invoiced to. The setting requires admin permission. Read more about invoiced to here.
Service objectss entered on the customer in the Customer register appear when you place the cursor in the box.
If the service object is not in the list, you can add it by clicking + Add a new service object.
Select a name from the list. Everyone in your group is on the list.
Custom field
If you have added a custom field it will appear here. Read more about custom fields.
Person of contact / customer
Here you can either search for contact persons / customers for the customer / facility or add a new contact person / customer. The information is saved so you can quickly search for it next time.
Status is displayed in the list of sales orders. Status is set in several ways.
- If you do not enter anything here, the system automatically selects status Received when you create a new sales order. When you then click on Ready for invoicing and Invoiced, the status also changes.
- You can enter any expression for status. Your self-selected expression remains even if you click on Ready for invoicing and Invoiced.
- If you create a Sales order from an Agreement, the name of the agreement + the current agreement period will be set as status.
- If you create a Sales order via Quotation, the status is retrieved from the assignment/service object description. If there isn’t one, the default description that you set under Quotation settings is retrieved. If you haven’t set a default description the status is set to Received.
If you want to change the set status, click Edit on the order. If you want to use the system’s expression, delete all text in the Status field at the latest before you choose to mark as invoiced.
The system sorts the sales order as invoiced, i.e. the order is placed last in the list of orders, regardless of the expression entered under Status when you click Mark as invoiced.
Cost center
If further information regarding the cost center needs to be included on the invoice, it can be stated here.
Customer’s order number
Here you enter the customer’s order number if applicable.
Delivery date
Optionally add delivery date. See more about settings for delivery date in the Information to admin section below. If there is no delivery date on the order, the order is sorted by the date when the order was created.
Comments here are by default not visible to customer users. To make them visible unmark the box Internal comment.
Here you add articles. Search among Latest articles or in the Article register.
DEL. AMOUNT is set to 0 if you do not enter an delivered amount. When a amount is set, the button Ready for invoicing is displayed. See also information on partial delivery.
If you have subarticles they are not displayed for customers here.

If you want to create a Purchase Order for the articles, click on the shopping cart above the articles, mark which articles are to be added to the purchase order and click Create New.
When you save, the following information is also displayed
Integration reference
When the order is sent to the accounting software, you will see the reference number here.
Generated from:
Indicates from which Agreement (the name of the agreement) the order is created.
Created by:
Indicates when the order was created and from which agreement.
Last Edit:
Lists who changed the order and when.
CONDITIONS: That you have selected the Work order setting – Show last edit.
Fault report:
If the order is generated from an Fault Report, which one is specified here.
Email sent:
List of who sent, when and to which email.
Read how to create and add tags here.
Once you have saved the order and added delivered amount, you can choose to:
- Edit
- set as Ready for invoicing.
- In step 2, ie when you have selected Ready for invoicing, the options will highlight:
- Mark as invoiced
- Generate backorders. If you have delivered at least 1 of the items, you can create backorders on the undelivered ones.
- Send order to accounting software (if you have one connected to the system).
You can also (if you have that user permission):
- edit
- email order confirmation or invoice
- print the order (Default) or a delivery note. Delivery notes is without prices.
- assign order to technician
- upload documents
- generate invoice as pdf. Applies to groups that do not have integration with business systems.
Note: the Sales order setting “Remove prices from printing” under Print settings affects whether the price is shown on the prints and invoices or not.
Information to administrators
Partial delivery?
Have you made a partial delivery? Log in as admin, click on Edit and fill in the number in the delivery in the field DEL. AMOUNT. Don’t forget to save the change.
Module settings concerning Sales order.
Custom field
If you want to add a custom field, it is created, with admin permissions, in Sales order settings. The same possibilities for settings apply as for all other custom fields.
View settings
- Show invoiced to
- Show customer comment on order
- Auto fill delivered amount when editing order
With this setting, the field delivered (DEL.AMOUNT) is automatically filled in with the quantity ordered when you open the order, i.e. click on Edit.
Show last edit
The “Show last edit” setting is controlled by what you set in Work Order Settings.
At the top of the order, the Last Modified: field appears. In a dropdown menu, you see when and who made changes to the order. The field is only displayed when there are changes.
Print settings
- Remove prices from print
- Include comments in print
Mark this if you want to include comments that are shown to the customer on the printed pdf.
Upload templates
You can create and upload your own templates for printouts. Read more about templates here.
User permissions concerning Sales order.
View, View assigned, Edit, Edit assigned, Create, Delete, Invoice, Assign, Assign to self, Remove uploaded file