The Quotation function helps you to compile a Quote with all the necessary information. You can find the feature under Perform.
The quotation can be printed, for example, as a pdf or sent by e-mail to the customer. If you have activated the setting Use external signing the e-mail includes a link for the customer to accept and sign the quotation.
Once the customer has accepted the quotation, you generate a work order, sales order or service order with a single click.
Search Quotations
In the search field, search for the customer’s name or customer number.

Click this symbol to open the search filter. Then you can enter the date range on the quotation you are looking for, choose assigned, cancelled or not etc..
This is what the list of your created quotations looks like. Click on the “gear” to change, assign, view or delete the quotation. Of course, you can also open the quotation by clicking anywhere in the field for each quotation.
Click on the “speech bubble” if you want to write a comment on the quote. The comment can be internal or displayed to the customer.

Colors and symbols

Colors and symbols are the same as in the system’s orders with the addition that you see if a quote has been sent to the customer for approval.
Green = The quote has been created but not handled.
Orange = The quote has been sent to the customer for approval and signing (if you activated external signing – see more about this here).
Purple = The quote is approved and signed by the customer and an order is created.
When an order is generated from the quote, the symbol changes to show the type of order created.
- Work order – tools
- Service order – clock
- Sales order – money
- Purchase order – shopping bag
If the quotation has not been sent yet or if several types of orders have been generated from the quotation, the phone symbol is displayed.
Blue = The order based on the quotation has started/Ready for invoicing or Invoiced
Create a new quote

Click on the plus sign to create a new quotation. Fill in the information you want to include.
Search among your customers. If the customer is not in your register, fill in the name and the system automatically adds the customer to the Customer register.
The information about payment terms and default interest is retrieved from the settings you have made in the Quotation Settings. See more under Information for admins for Quotation Settings.
Choose facility if necessary. If you have selected Customer, only the customer’s facilities are listed.
Add Your reference and/or Our reference.
Validity period
Fill in the date of validity of the quotation. 30 days are set as default.
Delivery date
Fill in the delivery address if applicable.
If you have selected the Quotation setting “Set default delivery day today”, today’s date is always added to new quotes. You can change the date.
Custom fields
If you have created custom field, it is displayed here.
You create the fields logged in as admin in Group Settings – Module settings – Quotation. The same possibilities for settings apply as for all other custom fields.
Service object
If the quote applies to a service object, the customer’s service object is listed if you place the cursor in the box. Add articles, time and description. Articles from the object are not listed here.
If you want to add one more of the customer’s service objects, click on + Add service object under the blue field.
If the object does not exist, you can add it by clicking + Add a new service object below the service object field. A box opens where you fill in information about the object. The customer’s name is filled in automatically.
Shipping Address
Add shipping address.
Description and Articles
Describe the content of the quotation and add the articles to be included in the quote. The article information are added from the Article Register. If VAT is set on the article record VAT will be shown.
A default description that is automatically filled in when you create a quote can be set in Module Settings – Quotation Settings. This description can be changed on the quote without affecting the description specified in Quotation settings. Read more about Description under Information for admins.
The text in the quote’s description field is displayed like this:
- On a work or service order as the Assignment description.
- In a created Agreement, it becomes the name of the agreement.
- On a Sales order, the text is included as a comment in the comment field together with the description for any service object.
Do not forget to save the quotation!
More to do
Once you have saved the quotation you can do this:
Comment field
Here you can add comments. Choose whether these should be shown to the customer or not. Click Save. If you want to change your comment, click on the pen.
Comments can also be added to the quote via the list view’s “chat bubble”.
If you sign the quote, note that it cannot then be signed by the customer. Read more about digital customer signature.
When you assign the quotation to a technician, he receives a notification and, if the technician has chosen it, a message via e-mail/SMS.
Generate backorder
Generate backorder also gives a copy but gets numbers after the copied quote: Ex: 170-1, 170-2, etc. This means that you can save different versions of a quotation.
All completed information is copied to a new quote.
Upload documents
You can also upload documents linked to the quote, such as condition attachments, drawings, leaflets …
You find a list of valid file formats here.

Print or send the quotation
You can print or save the quote as a pdf by clicking Print or Print price proposal and/or email it to the customer by clicking Send e-mail.
The quote is called OF: and the number on the quote. You can change this when you sending and saving. Also, when sending, you will get the option to add and choose among uploaded files to the email.

If you entered a logo and chose to use a footer, these will be included in the printed quotation. You make settings for this, by signing in as admin, under Group settings – Module settings – Edit print settings.
Read more under information for admins below.
Generate work orders, service orders, sales orders or Agreement
Click Generate at the bottom of the quotation to generate a Work order, Service order, Sales order, Purchase order or Agreement to create an order or agreement based on the quotation.
All data including uploaded files are included. The order or agreement can be edited.

Concerning work order
When you generate a Work order, you will be asked if you want to send order confirmation of the newly generated order via email.

Concerning sales order
When you generate a Sales order a delivery note/order confirmation is created, to be printed or emailed. The delivery note also states the possible conditions entered in the quotation.
Approve and sign the quote digitally
If you use digital signing (Quotation setting – Use external signing – see more under Info to admin) a link is sent in the e-mail that the customer clicks on to sign and thus approve the offer. When the customer has signed, you can see it by the quote changing color to purple. The signature, name clarification, date and a unique key for the signature are added to the quote.
You can also choose to receive a notification when the customer has signed. You set this in your account settings by marking: Offer signed using open access link.

Create Quotation from a Service order
If you want to create a quote from an existing, Not handled, Service order, click on Create quote at the bottom of the order.

The quote includes all articles and objects that are on the order. If you change the price of articles or the content of the quote, you can update the order by clicking Update generated orders at the bottom of the quote.

Information for administrators
Sign in and go to Group settings – Module settings – Quotation settings.
Admin permissions are required.
Custom fields
Create custom fields to adapt the quote to your information needs. See more information about custom fields.
Group settings
- Use remote signing
This function allows you to send quotations by e-mail for signing digitally directly by the customer. The signing is done via an external encrypted service and each signing has a unique “key”. - Set default delivery day today
Today’s date is always added to new quotes. You can change the date of a quote if needed.
Payment settings
- User payment terms
Enter number of days in the Default payment terms (days)– field - Use default interests
Enter a number in the field Default interest.
Default description
In the Default description field you can enter text that you usually include in your quotes so you do not have to fill in the text every time. The text can be changed on the individual quote without changing the Default description.
If you have created a template for your quotations, upload it here.
Quotation-related user permissions
Create, View, Edit, Delete, Delete Uploaded Files linked to quotation.
*For those who wonder how the quotes are sorted
- Non-cancelled quotes without generated words/services, with early dates and recently created, will be at the top.
- Cancelled quotes with generated words/services, with later dates and older creation dates, end up further down.