Service objects In the registry entry for a service object, you can see in which orders the object is used and find...
Models To upload registers to the models, see Upload registers By entering models into a Model Register and then linking service...
Model database Currently there is only one database with compressor models Compressed air available. The database is administered by and
Create templates Create templates to avoid a lot of tedious work and copying of service components and information! The system contains several...
QR and barcodes Where are QR and barcodes used? Service object When you add a new service object, a QR code is automatically created for the...
Leak detection Leak detection is a module that helps you document leaks in compressed air systems. You can also use the module...
No next service? Do you see a red exclamation point next to Service item in the Menu? The exclamation mark informs that there...
Using NFC tags An NFC tag contains a QR code. When you scan a tag with your mobile, a service template linked to...
How to import service objects from Excel This documentation describes how to import service objects into the system using an Excel file. For it to go smoothly,...
Questions concerning Service object I have a new customer who has the same service object as an existing customer. Can I copy a service...