In the registry entry for a service object, you can see in which orders the object is used and find the object’s service protocol. You can also quickly clone the service object, create a fault report, work order or contact order for the item. Here you can also find date for previous and upcoming service, address of the object, uploaded documents and download the QR code if you want to print it and put it on the object.
If you have multiple customers with service objects of the same type, it is a great advantage to use the Models function. Read more about Group models.
All Modul settings – Service objects settings requires admin permissions.
Search Service object

We recommend using filters when searching for service objects. Click on this symbol and the list of filtering options will open.

Click on the map symbol to see the location of the service objects on a map.

Export orders/download a list of orders.

You use the collection function to make changes (eg add tags or update service) or print QR codes on several objects at the same time.
The collection function creates a list (max. 1000) of your objects, so if you have many, it is advisable to filter the list first (click on Search – symbol 1).
How to add a service object:
- Go to Service > Service object.
- Press the button with the + sign.
- Fill in the fields.
- You will be asked if you want to use a guide to facilitate. In the guide you get a description of the different parts.
- When ready click Save at the bottom of the page to save the new service object.
- Provided that you have filled in what is required to generate a service, a question will come regarding this.
To add objects, you can also clone an existing service object. All settings are copied. The object you are cloning must have a machine number. The new object gets the same machine number as the original machine with a serial number in parentheses. The clones are completely independent from each other and no changes to one clone affect the other clones or the object from which the clones were created.
Example: Object one with machine number 1232 is cloned twice and these get numbers 1232(1) and 1232(2). The number can be changed by clicking on the service item and clicking Edit.
You can also click Edit to move the clone to another customer or facility without affecting the original object.
You can find the Clone button at the bottom of the detail view for the service object. A box will appear where you can specify how many clones you want to create.
Being able to clone is a user permission.
Description of the different fields in the form and in the Service Object guide
Note that there is a slightly different order in the fields in the form and in the guide! Feel free to use the guide when adding a service item.
Put the cursor in the field and your customers will be listed. If the customer is not on the list, enter the customer’s name, and the customer is automatically added to the Customer Register.
The search function helps you to locate the customer’s existing facilities. If the plant is not included in the list, enter the name of the plant and the plant is automatically added to the Facility Register.
If the billing address differs from the address of the service object or if there are several service objects in the same place, a facility should be selected or added. Read more about how to Add facility to customer.
Choose which storage the object should be included in. Leave blank if the object is not included in any storage.
If the service object is to be invoiced to another customer, it can be specified here.
NOTE: This is a setting in Module settings – Edit Service Object settings. See Information to administrators at the bottom.
If the service object is rented by another customer, this field can be filled in with information about that customer.
NOTE: This is a setting in Module settings – edit service object settings. See Information to administrators at the bottom.
If checked, the next service is created based on when the previous service was scheduled instead of when it was executed. The field is checked by default.
If checked, the next generated service will be based on the last performed service. This means that the service will be scheduled on the same day and time of the week and assigned to the same technician as the previous service. In addition, parts that have been used and deviate from the service interval will be included.
Check the box if the object is rentable.
Voluntary comment regarding the service object. All additional information can be entered here. Appears when service is to be performed. The comments are not seen by the signed in customer.
A QR-code for the service object is created automatically.
If you use QR verification you can enable or disable QR verification by clicking the Edit button.
User permission required.
Zoom in on the map as much as possible, then place a “pin” by double-clicking on the map to mark where the object is in the room.
If you have not placed the service object on this map, the position of the facility’s address is displayed on the service object record highlighted in red. This is indicated by the text Location (Facility) above the map.
When you add a position to the service object, it is the service object that is marked with a red symbol and the facility is coloured blue.

Note that the facility’s address is not shown on the search page’s map, where only the object’s position is shown.
Person of contact
By placing the cursor in the name field a list of contacts for the customer will appear. If you want to create a new contact just fill in the fields.
Place the cursor in the field and models will be listed. Select model.
If the model has a counter, it is added.
With the Work Order setting “Add model to database” you can enter a new model in the Model field here. Enter a name and the name is saved in the model register. If necessary, complete the information about the model in the model register later.
Without that setting, new models entered in the Model field are not saved in the Model Register. New models are only entered via Register – Model.
Model year, serial number and machine number do not have to be specified. As machine number the service object’s identification number or a description of the machine can be used to make it easily identified.
Read also how to update linked service objects on the page Models.
Specifies if the object is run-time based. If the object is only changed on a calendar basis, this should not be checked. If the service intervals should be calculated by runtime, this needs to be checked.
Clicking on this opens a field to add time for Operating time during installation, a little further down in the form.
Add counter for the object. For example, for a compressor, you may also want to measure the time it delivers air. If it is a printer, you may want to measure the number of colored / black and white copies.
Here you select service object if the object is a sub-service object. No other connections are made between the objects.
Custom info
We recommend using info templates to be able to quickly add information to the object. Place the cursor in the field to select a existing template.
Click + Add custom info template to create a new template. The Custom info template function opens. Link: Read more under Creating templates.
Alternatively, click on + Add custom info and fill in the information.
If you want to sort the entries in the information entries and the template, you can hold down the mouse pointer on the three dots, drag and drop to the desired location.

If you want the information (all or just some) to appear on the report when printing, activate this symbol by clicking on it so that it turns black.

Link in custom info
If you want to link to information about the object on another website, enter a name for the link under NAME and the URL, the link address, in the VALUE field.

Enter the date of installation. If there is no information about the installation date, use the latest date you know, e.g. a service performed.
The field is displayed if you have chosen to tick Runtime based.
Time is given in hours (h).

Add date and run time at that date. Can either be a performed service or a reading of the run time. If it’s just a reading press the icon on the right . If two or more performed services/readings are entered the run time per week is automatically calculated.
Specifies how much time the service object is active per week. Higher number (maximum 168) generate more frequent services. This value is automatically calculated if two or more performed services/readings are entered. A run time per week is required, but a 0 is possible if the object is meant to only be guided by day intervals.
Parts are added automatically from the model. If there are more parts to this particular service object, those parts are listed here. Click on + Add articles. It is also possible to change the automatically added parts if there is any deviation for this service object.
Set service interval
Click + to add a service interval. Give the service interval a name, eg annual service.
In this part, you specify the time intervals, as well as which parts are to be replaced at the various services.
Overlapping intervals
A service object can contain several service intervals, but they must overlap, e.g. 2000, 4000, 8000, 24000.
If more than one interval with time* (hours) interval is specified, only the first interval can specify a day interval.
If more than one interval with daily intervals has been specified, no time intervals can be specified. These form the basis for how often and with which parts service orders are to be generated.
*Shows if the object is set as Runtime based.
Do this if you want to be able to set overlapping intervals
Overlapping interval are the default.
If you want to be able to add intervals that do not overlap, you need to uncheck the setting Module settings – Service object settings – Force overlapping service intervals. Admin permission is required.
Free intervals can only be used together with daily intervals, not if the object is runtimebased.
The effect can be, as an example: An object needs to be serviced 3 times / year. You enter 3 intervals and 3 orders are created. As soon as you perform the first of the three, a new one is created based on the interval performed. So you will always have 3 orders under Next service.
Days required to perform
By entering a number of days here, a booking will adjust in time. For example, if you enter 2 days, the booking in the Planner will automatically be spread over 2 days, for half a day, enter 0.5.

Select order type
If you have created order types, a field appears where you select the order type. Unlike a selected order type on a service order, this setting of order type follows to the next service.
Parts and service components connected to the service interval
The intervals are never merged, so all parts and service points to be replaced need to be specified for each interval.
For each service interval, you can add parts (search by article number or description to find parts) and service components.
For service components, you can also use service templates to facilitate. If you already have added service points and choose to add a template, you will be asked if you want to add the components from the template or replace existing service points.
If you want to create a new service template, click + Add service template. Read more about templates here.
Set status
Set the status of each service component. These you can choose from:
– is measurement
– is yes/no
– has status
– heading
– free text field
What you choose controls what the service components look like in the protocol then. See example below.

Headings can, for example, be used to divide a protocol into different parts to make it perspicuous. E.g. Electrical systems, Mechanics, Work environment, etc.
Do you want to enter a help text and service component description to make it easier for the person performing the service, click on ? (the question mark at the far right of the Service component field – see image below) and fill in a description of the service component. Thereby the person who is to perform the service receives support.

You can change the order of the service components by moving them. Hold the mouse pointer over the three dots on the far left, drag and drop the field where you want it.
If you, while performing the service, select Adjusted or Should be fixed, a comment field opens where you can enter comments.
Is the service point not applicable to this particular service order? Click the Not Applicable symbol.
Do not forget to save!
If you have filled in what is required to generate a service, a question will arise if you want to do this.
When you open an existing service object, you see all service orders, work orders and error reports linked to the service object and can search among them.
Booked information on service objects that are rented out
If you activated Rental, it appears at the bottom of the item record when an item is booked in the Planner. You can also create an order or an agreement from the booking.

Upload documents
You can also choose to upload documents linked to the service object. Attachments on the Model are also displayed on an individual service object. After the file name is shown in brackets from which model the files are downloaded. Ex: Manual.pdf (Thermia).
Click Edit to change the service object information.
Information about a service object can also be changed on orders. Click on the pencil next to the object’s name and a popup will open where you can change, complete and upload images and documents. The uploaded files are saved on the service object.
Add orders
Click Add > if you want to add a new service, work or contact order directly to the service object or file a fault report. When you add an order from the object, the contact person is automatically added to the order.
By inactivating a service object, it will no longer appear in lists, but the history will be saved. You do this, for example, if a service object has been scrapped.
History lists all changes made to the object, when and by whom.
Information to administrators
There are a number of settings for service orders and permissions that can be made. Sign in with the admin account – In Group settings you will find Module settings – Service order settings.
Module settings #Edit service object settings
View settings for service object
- Invoiced to enabled
A field to indicate that another customer is to be invoiced is added. - Rented to enabled
A field to indicate leased to another customer is added. - Year enabled
A field for year enabled is added. - Serial number enabled
A field for serial number is added. - Machine number enabled
A field for machine number is added. - Auto generate machine number
The system gives the machine a machine number, automatically. Ie a serial number based on your most recently entered number. The number can be changed manually. - Contact enabled on service objects.
Field for contact information is added. - Use fixed intervals by default.
Check box. Checked is the default. The next service is created based on when the previous service was scheduled instead of when it was performed. - Use matching with previous service by default.
Check box. If checked, the next generated service will be based on the last performed service. This means that parts used, which deviate from the service interval, will be included. Service will be scheduled on the same day and time of the week and assigned to the same technician as previous service. - Use QR verification.
Enables the service technician to verify being at place by scanning a QR code. - Show service object QR
Creates a QR code for the service object. Learn more about QR codes. - Use multiple counters.
Enables multiple counters on a service object. - Use agreement number on service object
Creates a field for agreement number. - Enable third part manufacturers
- Enable child service objects
Provides the possibility to specify a service object as a child object of a parent service object. The Parent object field is added to the service object record. The parent object record states that – and where – the object is used as a child object. No other connections are made between the two objects. The field is merely information. - NFC tags enabled
Under development. - Custom info enabled
A custom information field is added. When enabled you can create Custom info templates to quickly add information to an object. - Show unique ID
With this service object setting, a unique serial number (ID) is created for the service object. The ID is automatically generated and cannot be changed. This number is therefore in addition to the serial number and machine number. - Force overlapping service intervals
By default, this is checked and if the intervals do not overlap (See more under Service intervals) you will receive a warning.
If you uncheck this, however, you can enter intervals that do not overlap and you will not receive a warning.
If you change the selection, previously created ranges are not changed.
User permissions concerning Service object
View, Edit, Create, Delete, Reading, Uploading, Delete uploaded files