Planner – Calendar and Resource In the Planner you see your assigned orders or all currently booked orders, depending on what permissions you have in...
Assign Generally In user permissions, you can set whether a user should only see assigned orders, customers, etc. or all. In...
Time reports Read also information for administrators concerning Time report module settings, time codes and descriptions, user permissions … In the Time...
Chat With the chat, you keep in touch with each other easily. You can create multiple channels, channels on different topics,...
External resource When you want to hire colleagues or subcontractors who will carry out the work for your company, but at the...
Create own Booking types Do you want to use your own types for bookings in the Planner? This function is for you who want...
Rental (beta) Schedule the rental in the same way you distribute orders. You can create a sales order and agreement directly from...
Statistics With the Statistics function, you can extract statistics on work you have done, consumption of articles and time spent on...
Timer With the timer function, you can easily register and keep track of travel time, working time, overtime and kilometers for...
Certificate types Admin permission is required for steps 1 and 2 and to enter certificates on users. Step 1 – Add certificate...
Time report – Selecting settings, time codes, descriptions, permissions … This article is primarily for administrators. Before you start using the time report, a number of settings need to be...
When there has been an error in the Time Report Have you accidentally entered the wrong day for your working hours on an order, the order is signed, set to...
Create Permission templates This function requires admin permissions. To avoid setting permissions every time a new user is added to your group, you...