The contact order function is designed to help you build and strengthen relationships through every step of your contact with the customer. Contact order is a simple and smart CRM system *.
For example:
- Enter information about new customers.
- Who did you talk to at the customer?
- What did you talk about?
- When and for how long?
- Write memos.
- Make appointment for visits and meetings.
- Upload documents such as agreements, offers and requirements spec from customers.
A big advantage of the function is that you, as a salesperson, work in the same system as the others in the group or company. This means that, for example, service technicians can create a contact order and send it on to you immediately when a sales question arises during a customer visit or service or vice versa.
But contact orders can also be used completely independently of other order functions in the system.

Click this button to filter your search.
Example: select those assigned to you, limit by date, customer, etc.
If you want to use the same filter multiple times, you can choose to Save settings, at the bottom of the box. Your selected filter will be viewed under the search box.
You can also choose to save the filter as Favorite.
To add a new contact order
Option 1
- Sign in to your account.
- Go to Contact order.
- Press the + sign button to the right of the search box.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your new contact order.

Option 2
Add a new contact order directly on a customer, facility or service object. Go to the tab Registers, click on the register you want to search in. When you have found the current customer, facility or service object, scroll to the bottom and click on the Add button and you will be presented a number of choices. The information for the customer, the facility and / or the service object is automatically added to the new contact order.
If you already have a work or service order open, click on the customer’s name and go directly to the customer card. Click the Add button.
All contact orders associated with a customer are displayed when you enter the customer card.
Contact order (CO) also appear in the To-do list, where you can see any bookings for the contact order.

The different fields on a contact order
Under Subject, describe what the contact is about. It can be such as Sales, Regarding machine service, Potential customer, Offer or perhaps which work area the customer operates in. You decide what suits you best.
Enter the customer’s name in the box. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you find the existing customers. If the customer is not on the list, enter the customer’s name and the customer will be added to the Customer Register automatically with the contact information you fill in.
Enter the customer’s facility name if applicable. The search function (click on the magnifying glass) helps you to locate existing facilities. If the plant is not included in the list, enter the name of the plant and the plant will be added automatically to the Facility Register.
Service object
Here you can enter a service object if the contact order applies to one. If you want to add an object that is not in the register, click on the blue plus symbol to the right of the search field.
Here you fill in information about your contact. Only one contact person can be entered here.
Enter a status that describes where in the process the contact is.
With an administrator account, you can enter a list of statuses you want to use. These statuses will appear as a dropdown list.
See more under Information for Administrators below. See Image 4.
Status is displayed in the Contact Orders list and in the To-Do list.
Order value
To track the value of leads, you can enter a value here. The field should be connected to the Dashboard when that function is ready.
Notes + time required
Here you make your notes about the conversation or meeting, what you and the customer talked about, experience of the contact, paste in email conversations, etc.
For each note you make, the date and time and who wrote it are logged. You and your colleagues can easily see what you have done in relation to the customer and when.
In the Time required field, you can enter time in hours to get an idea of the time required for the contact order.
Time added on a contact order is automatically added to your time report.
To write multiple notes, you need to save. When you have done it, you can click on +Add point of contact.
You use bookings to book the next contact with the customer: digital contact in various forms, physical meetings or telephone contact. If, for example, you have agreed to contact the potential customer in six months’ time again, you will place a booking about it. The booking is in your calendar and in your To-do list, you will receive a reminder (notification) when it is time. You can also assign the task to a colleague in your group.
Click on Send booking confirmation when you want to send information about the booking to the customer via e-mail or SMS. You can create your own booking confirmation in the Email settings. Read more about it here.
In what form you receive notifications (in the system, via email, via SMS …) and if you’re able to assign are permissions that are set with admin permissions.

Time to Save!
Once you’ve saved, you can:
- add more notes
- put tags on the order. Read more about how to create and use tags.
- Attach document. Upload documents linked to the contact order.
- Assign the contact order to employees. She receives a message that she has been assigned a contact order. The right to assign tasks to a colleague is set in the user settings. To do so, admin rights are required.
Time to sign a contract?
If the contact results in a sale, use the Sales Order function. Here you can read more about it: Create a sales order.
End contact?
Did not get a pacifier and want to end the contact order? Click Complete to end and archive the order (this is marked with a dark blue color which in the system means executed / invoiced). It remains in the list of contact orders and you can always go back and see your notes and other information about the order. No risk of losing or forgetting what you did! The documentation remains.
Administrator Information – Contact Order Settings
Admin permission is needed.
Add or edit status suggestions
You can add any number of status suggestions. The status is shown in the Contact Order list and in the To-Do list.

Custom fields
By creating your own fields, you can adapt the contact order to your specific needs. The suggestions you enter here appear in a dropdown list on the order.
List Mode Settings
Sort on serial number as default.
If the orders, by default, are to be sorted by serial number, check the box. Default is otherwise sorting by date. Completed orders are always last in the list of orders, regardless of your choice here.
User permissions related to contact orders:
View, View (only) assigned, Edit, Create, Delete, Assign, Assign itself, Delete uploaded files linked to contact orders .
* CRM = Customer relationship management, or customer care, includes the management, organization and administration of customers and customer relationships in a company.