Group and module settings Administration account From Aug 2023, a new customer creating a group (i.e. the first account created for your company) automatically...
Add user Each new user generates a new license. Your charge will change automatically. To add a new user to the system...
Handle user settings and permissions As an administrator, you can manage permissions for your users and your customer users. By setting permissions, you give users the permission to use certain...
Upload registers There are several ways to upload a registry to the system. With templates found on the page Upload you can...
Symbols and colors The system has a number of symbols and colors as standard to make it easier for you. If you do...
Create custom fields As an administrator, you can add your own fields for Work Orders, Service Orders, Customer, Facility, Sales Order and Quotation....
Email and text messages contains several ways to send messages to customers – booking confirmation, order confirmation, protocol, messages to and from customers...
Create templates Create templates to avoid a lot of tedious work and copying of service components and information! The system contains several...
Printouts These instructions apply to the standard printouts that are built into the system. If you have made and use your...
Connect with suppliers So-called EDI connection to suppliers makes it easy to purchase goods for orders. When the connection is in place, you...
Export register There are two ways to download registers or a list, via Group Settings and via certain orders and registers. Download...