Contact och sellers or educators if you want advice and assistance.
1. Create an account
Go to our website and create a free trial account. It is valid for 30 days. If you choose to continue with, our sales team will assist you in activating an account and getting started.
You can, of course, also contact our sales team and they will set up an account for you.
The person creating the account for a company (a group as we call it) will automatically get admin permissions. With admin permissions you can customize, integrate with other business systems, add (activate) users, configure what users can do and see in the system, upload registers, and more. An admin can also grant admin permissions to others within their group.
2. Explore the system
Are the features you need available? In the test account, some preset configurations are already in place. Sometimes they fit perfectly, other times a range of adjustments is required. Not all features are activated during the free trial month. Many features are enabled by configuring user permissions.
3. Connect to your accounting system
We usually assist with this when you are getting started. For some business systems, it is absolutely necessary.
For most accounting systems, there are several configuration options available for the integration between Serviceprotocol and your business system.
How to add integration with Fortnox.
Integration with Visma SPCS (not available in English)
Integration with Visma E-economy (not available in English)
List of all business and accounting systems we offer integration with
4. Upload your registers
If you want to do it yourself, start by downloading the xlsx-file you need from the Upload register page. You can find a link to this page att the bottom of the Group Settings page.
Important! Read more about uploading registers.
4.1 Customer registers first!
Always start with the customer register if you have one. When you have completed the customer register, you can upload registers of their Facilities and their People of contacts, and then proceed with the rest.
Read more about Customer register
4.2. Upload or create service templates
If you already have service protocols, you can use one as a basis when creating service templates.
To make it neat, and if you have many service components, start by creating a header which describes which part of the service the component covers.
The template can be changed on the individual object.
Do you want help to create the service templates? Contact us! Or why not ask a company you collaborate with and who has already created service templates that suit you? They might be willing to export their templates and offer them to you.
Read more about service templates.
4.3 Add your service objects
Are your service objects often of the same model/make? Then use the group’s models. If you have already linked the service object to Models, start by uploading the file with the models. Begin with the models themselves, and if you have parts for the models, take those in step 2.
If you are using a model database (only available for compressed air models), models are referred to as the Group’s models to distinguish them from models in the model database.
Add or upload the file with service objects and any potential parts on the service object. Always start with the objects themselves.
4.3.1 Workflow of you are using models
- Create a model for reuse on service objects. Specify if these are runtime-based. Are there counters?
- Add service intervals. Are there parts which will always be added when you do a service? Add these to the interval.
- Add any potential service components. Choose a predefined service template in the dropdown menu or create a new one. The service components can be changed here without affecting the template itself.
- Upload potential documents, PDFs, mobile photos etc …
- Save
- Go to the customer – scroll furthest down on the page and click on Add service object.
4.4 Add your Article register
Create or upload your article register and then the prices for the articles.
Specify which articles are your Time articles (if you use the function Time report) and create potential article groups. Article groups allow you to create Discount letters.
Add your Time articles (Add an article – point 11)
5. Supplier’s
Specify which EDI connections you want to use. The different suppliers have slightly different requirements but usually, you need to provide a customer ID and contact your supplier’s salesperson to inform them that you want to connect the supplier. Add the supplier to the supplier registry and assign them ID-numbers.
Here is a list of suppliers as well as instructions.
6. Add users
6.1 Create user permission templates
Create a template for user permissions, i.e. what your employees should be able to see and do in the system. You can create multiple templates such as one for the technicians who only perform work orders, one for the service technicians, one for the administrative staff, one for tools that can be booked etc…
How to set up working hours, employee numbers etc. How to add a user. Manage permissions and create templates.
All users can set up language, add phone number, choose which notifications to get etc..
Read about My account settings.
7. Printouts
Add your address, logo, organization number etc which is needed for your printouts (PDF). It is also possible to create custom print template if our standard templates do not meet your needs. Requires knowledge of word/docx.
Learn more about how to set up your printouts.
Learn more about how to create your own print templates
8. Customize the system to your needs
Take a look at the module settings, which can be found on the Group settings page, and choose which ones to activate. Information for administrators about module settings is available at the bottom of all pages describing orders and functions. There is also a list of links under Group and Module settings.
Now you can start creating orders! Under the menu Perform – To do, all the orders you create are displayed. To do is the starting point of your workday.
9. Additional features
A few features require you to contact us to activate.
These include: Statistics Klink Leak detection Service (if you have opted for a Work order-only agreement).
Once we have activated the feature, you (or another administrator) will need to assign the permissions for the features to the user who should be able to access them.